HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/20/1962 MI~UTES OF Y,'~ FTING OF C07!,'.~IS$IONF}~S OF TFfE
J~ly 20~1~62. ~resentlCo~[ssioners Anrfg, Tuth~ll,~[ska~P~[ce,~n~
~nd Trees.Gtldersle~ve ~
. Eeetin~ %ms hold ~ ~ firehouse,call~ to order by Chair-
m~ Anrlg at 7.3C
~/~inutesof the June meeting we~ read ~ aD,roved.
The follo~ng bills were o~ered ~d:L.I.Li~ttng
· yes SS.00;Lou~s Se~.Sta. 28.~;~uis Do~ ~.~0;D~id I.De F~eet 8,~.
,~. orion was ~de~seconded ~c arried that a new Moto~la
R~dio be p~[rchased for use on new fi~e t~ek whl~ is to be adde~ to
the Fire ~epartment. Price .quoted ~99Z.75
At-ei~t o~clock bids fop ti'e purchase ~ the Dep~t~ ntis
Fo~ aaco~ were opened ~d read~as f011ows~
Jo~ Sidor~Sr. ~{~7.80 Deposit
[%est Sayv~lle Fire ~ept. ~.~,Deposit
Fra~ Z.Doroeki ZS.00~ Deposit
~ey Sidor ~.O0,Deposit
0n motion made,seconded and carried it ~:~,as voted to accept
the bid of Ba~ey Sidor~d return deposits to the ot~ bidders.
[<iOS~On was made,seconded ~dc arried that two new fl~ wells
be constructed~one on Westphalia ~ d,nea~ ~sidence of Har~ Cha~kow, one
on 0la J~e Lane ~ a:' proximately 50 feet south of New Suf~ lkkvenue~weils
~ be gravel packed, specifications the s~e as used in 1961. Bi,is for s~
to be adve~tisedin the Traveler Wato~an and the New,Review. Bids to be
~ceived up to 7.30 P.~d. by the secreta~. Work to be com~lete<[ by Bee.l~
196Z.*****.:;-~ 0n motion made,seconded ~d carried the follo~?in~ budget was
adopte,~ fo~ t~ year
Salaries & Wages
Purchase of Apparatus & Equipment~'
Maintenance ~.~epair of above
iJA ntenance & ~epair of Buildings
Capital Reserve F~.~d for Firehouse
Capital ,aeserve Fund for ~pparatus
Fire Wells
LeSs msttm~ te-~ ~eceipts
4000. O0
~000. O0
4000. O0
4000. O0
Z~)O .00
Amount to be raisedby tax 27,600.00
· Hotion was made,seconded and carried that a Special Meeting
to vote the 1~63 budget be held :t the firehouse on Aug.l~lg63,polls ~
be .open-from 7 P.;~. to ~ P.~.~.,~::nd th~ notice of same 'be published.~nthe
L.I.Traveler-Mmttituok Ws~ ehman of Aug.2~196~.
Hart. in Sute~,~eorge H.Nine and Walte~ Courts were appointed
to act as inspectors of election for the above 'mCet£ng,an~:~ on motion made,
seconded andcarri.ed the following Resolution was adopted: Resolved~that
the inspectors of election on Aug.16,1962 b~ p~id the su~ of five ~ollars
each for their services.
,~otion was m~de,~econded and carrie ~tt~t Robt.L.~ermen
supply fuel oil for the firehouses from 0ct.1,198~ to 0ct.l,196S,~he
secret~ry to notify~ Ecke~.t 0il Service of the ch nFe.
On motion made,seconded ~nd carried,[he ~:eeting ~ms adJourne~
D.R.Gildersleeve, Sec. ? ~