HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/21/1962 MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT ~
' ~Pt.21,1~.. Present:Co~ss~one~s An~ig, T~thill',Price, ~nd~ ~iska,~ nd
'Tre as · Oilde ~'aleeve.
L~te~t[ng w~s held ~t the F[rehouse,calle,~ to order by Chain-
mac ~ri~ at 7.48 P.~.
~'~nutes of the ~u~st meeting Were read andapp~ved.
The fo ;. iowin~ bills were ordered pafd~ N.Y.Teleuhone Go.
~36.40 ~ 28.W~, Ra~no Dlstrs. 1.24;~%.V.~eo 16,20; L.~.T~aveL~p 17.86;
Le Roy S.Reeve ~ 3.49; D.R.Gilde~sLe~Ve 2.25." ~!so,SubJect to the
0.K. of ~.;r.An~g, two bills of .~.~otoro~ 39.00 ~ 9~.75.
Bi,is for t.~e Onst~ctlon ~d instafLlin~ of a body fo~
the new O~O o~ssia were ordered opened arU re~. One-bid only was
received,from 0~ K~' s ~eldlng, Pulaski St .,five~he~,~.~. ~,s listed ~1-
~2575,45. Alter~te bid (~.~thout top ~d ~ea~ doo~J ~.~ ~ith chrome rail
tt~ length of the body ~2$98.7~. It ~'~=s move~,seco~ed and ca~ried that
the ~ternate bid be accepted,the secmetarl to so notify 0'Kula's.
A letter was re~ f~om Jos.J..K~e~ger, Riverhead,asktng why
h~s bid, being lower th=t th...t of t~ East End%~eL1 Dr lling CO.,for the
construction of f~e wells,~-ua not =ccep~ed. T~e ~creta~ ~as inst~ot~
to l~o~ ~.~eiger, that the prev~us wo~ of t~e ~=st End Company
been m.J:~ s~t[sfacto~apa...t~c~rly in re~;=~ to the gravel' packing feature;
also to c~Ll his cttentlon to the clause in the speo~fic.at~ons th=t the
Co:~iss~oners had reserwedt~ ri~t to reject. ~y or all bids.
a ~ot~on was m~de,secon~ed =nd c ar~led that :~';~ ~kaaz ~ska
be ~pDointeG a oo~ttee to ~:~q'~re ~oat the future ~urchsse of new
for the basement,a'~ls.o ~o~m ~..st~ d~ning
~ot~on was made,seoo~ed ~-nd.c arried ~ha: ~.'~r.~i~ Mtska be
acpo~nte~i ~ax a co~ttee to hf~ve ~e firehouse cleaned, cleo to h~,ve the
floors waxed.
Meeting was adjourned at 8.40 p.~. on mob~on made,seconded