HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/30/1962 ~esent~O~ss~one~s An~i~Tutb~ll~J~leka and Ohudiak an~ ~reas.~llde~sleeve.~ ~ee~lng-held ~ ~he fl~house~e~l~ ~o o~e~ by ~ai~ ~nrlg ..t 7.30 ' ~l~utes of t~.~tobePmeetlng we~ ~ad s~apF~ved, The follow~ bills we~ oPdePed~tdlL,X,Trav~eP ' ~ W,V,~ee 17,61 & 4~7,6X{Ru~9 X,2O{3ou~pton_Eleo,Assoo, 10,$0 ~0,60 a ~4,66{ ~Ume ~er~oe St~, 7,00{ H~sen~s ~a~age 9,99~ W,X,Telephone Co, 35,05 & 25~ Moto~la 49;~ O~a~ > Weldl~ ~ Os~18 (whe~ ~eetve~), Ohe~ fop the Ot~ula btllto be wltheld O,X~d b2 Chas,Mlska, Ohal~ ~1~ said t~ tueasu~ oould now pay the Moto~la bllXe th~ had been held up, . The t~easu~e~ ~eported the reoetpt of a cheek in the amount .. of $6~2,~0 from the Dep~,of Olvil Defense for 19~8-1959 p~ojeots, ~artln surer,Walter ooutts and George 2ine were appolntsd to serve as inspeoto~s of the eleotion to be held Dee,4,. On motion made · seoonded and oarriedthe following Resolution was adopted~ Resolvedt tB~t the.~nopeetors of eleotlon to be held ~ee,4~1~62 be pa~d the s~un o£ flys dollars eaoh fo~ their services. Motion was made~seeonded end oa~ried that Ch~irm n ~nrig he authorized to p,Arehaee a First Aid Xlt. Motion,was made,seeonded and ~arried that 6 galw~ized Xndia~ ~anks be pureh~sed. 0n~motionmade,seeonded.and earried, the meeting was adjourned at 9°30 P. · ~ D, R.Otldersieeve·,.~e.