HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/12/1963 MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND. N. Y. J~tl~ 12,1963, 8PECIA~ ME~T~NG, ?resontlOom~is~ o~8 An~l~thill~ Gilds ~sleeve. Meeting was held ~t the firehouse,sailed to o~de~ by Ohai~ Minutesofthe J~e 28 meeting we~ ~ad a~ app~oved. ~e meeting was ealled for t~ put. se of adopti~ a budget fo~ the yea~ 1964~ on motion made,seeo~ed a~ oa~ied t~ follow~g budget was adoptedl SaXa~ and Wa~es Purohase of Apparatus & Equipment Meintenanee and Repair of Appa~abue and E~en~ M~ten~e New Oapital ~se~e F~ for ~pparatus Oapit~ ~see~e ~ for Firehouse Onifoms Miseell~oua $15oo,oo 4000.00 3000,00 5500,00 ~500,,00 4000,00 4000,00 2 500,00 800,00 TOTAL $ 28,100.00 Lees Eetimsted ~eeeipts 300.00 Total Amount to be Raised $27,800,00 Motion was made,seconded end ~arried that a Speelal Meeting to vote the budget for 1964 be held at the firehouse of A .gust 6,196~,polls to be oper~ fro~ ? p.M. to 10 P.M.,and thatnotioe of same be pub- lished in ~he L.I.Traveler-M~ tituek Watehman of ~uly 18,1963. Martin Suter,~eorge Nine ~nd W~lter Courts were appointed to serve as inspectors of election for the above meet[ng, snd on motion made, eoonded and earried the follwingResolution was ~optedt Resolved,that the lnspeotors of eleotion on Aug 6,1963 b~ paid the mm of $5.00 each for their services. ' On motion m~,de,seoonded and carried,the meeting was dJourned at 8,15 P,M~