;une .~8~lg63, P~eeont t Oommisalone?s An~i&0Tuthlll~Mib~a~P~ioe:and
Chud£a~, o~d ?reae.01ldersleeve.
Meeting hold at tho fi~ehouse~oalle~ st order by OhMic-
man An~ig at 7.45
Minates of thoApril 26 an~ May 3lot meetings we~
App~ved. The followi~ bills were ap.. ~oved fo~ paint ~d o~e~
pa~dtB.Y.Telepho~ 0o. ~5.65 & ~6.40jL.I.Ll~tl~ 0o.31.67~
eta, 6o~J W,V.~oe 5~65j Tidewate~ Oil Os, 21,05j L & L F~d Mkt,
3.~I O,L.Po~,Xno, 140241 MoSs.la 11071~ 11,7~ ~4I H~
o~oet~o~e T~ ~tteo h~ ~nte~owed various ~eaentatives
~ fo~ most' wo~ well ~o ~d oe~oablo)~t d~d not Feco~o~
at,on at tho p~eoent t~. T~ d~d ~eoo~ ~ additional ,~en to
be ~nstalled on tho ~o~thwest s~do of aattituok Inlet, ~he soo~ts~ was
lnst~oted to w~to e~ th~ tho eo~tteo flop the ~epo~t,~d ~dvlse them
thst a s~te h~d been seleoted last
~ lette~ was ~eoelved f~om 3eo.aa~tin ~tg~ off tho Fl~o
C~pan7 l~sti~ p~ade8 e~ aotiv~t~e8 the fl~e~n ~ve ~oted to take
pa~ in during the s~er months0 It was movedpseoonded and serried that
~he aetlvities be a p~oved,and the ~eport kept on file.
A motion ~a8 m~de,seoo~ed ~nd ~ied t~t 1 dozen
minute flsFes be ~rohs[sed.
Motion was made,sea,ed a~ c aF~ied th~ the seo~ta~
~veFtise in the Hews-Rovlew and t~ T~avele~-Wat~n fo~ bids fo~ two
new gravel peeked fire wells to be inst~lled Jit~n't~ Fi~ DistFiot,
wi~ ~e o~e speoifIoatio~ t~t were used in 1962~nd the looations to
be seleotod after the '~ ntraot is awaked. Wo~k to be oompleted prior to
~o.1~1963. Bids to ~ reoeived ~~ ~til 7030 P.M.
at ~l~ t~e they a~ to be O~ned. ~y ~9 will be ~he d~te fo~ ~e
re~a~ ~y meetly..
It was moved,seoonded ~d sallied that a 8peolal meeting
will bo held on J~2 12~196~ at 7.~0 P,Mo for t~ pu~oae of adopting a
budget for 1964.
Motion ~a8 m~dep8eco~ed ~nd emptied t~t new li~ts
inotalled ovo~ the pool tables upstal~8 smd down8talro~the oomplate Job
not to exoeed
~ef ~owho was appointed a o~ittoo by the Fire ~o.
repo~ed in ~eg~ to havei~ the n upststrs ~o~ of the f~ehouso
paintedo~oo~ending t~t t~s ~ done.
~e meoti~ was adJo~ed a2 8.45 P.M.pon motion madep
8eeo~od ~d ca~ied.
D .R. Glldersloevo ~