HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/31/1963IIINUTES OF t~YETII, IG OF O0MBII'SSlONI~R8 OF TEE MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. M&7 :~1o196~3,' PresentlOommissionoFs TuthilloMiaka,Ohu~Jiak~sn.d ~roas, Oildersleeve. Held ~.t the firehouse at 8 P M, , In the absence of the Chal~nan and vice ohairuan~Oommiosioner Tuthill was elected to act as temporar7 chairman to conduct tAe meeting. It was votedto dispense with the ~eading of the minutes until the June meeting. Motion was made,seconded and carried that the Suffolk County Boa~d of Elections contract for uso of the new firehouse for primal, y~ registeration and election daTs,3ept.5~Oot,~ ~nd §,and Hov.5~1963~be accepted and signed. Motion was made,seconded and oarriedthat the MattituokFire Oompan2 be. given permtssi_on to hold i~s an~ual bazaar on the fire house ~r~'mises dU~2 1 t~o~ dul7 6,196~,t~'e~ basaa~ to include a parade ~ rides",said rides ~ equipment to be state inspected and insured ~ the Second Asst.Ohtef ~ohn Wlloenski was transferred from Engine. Oo.2,~nd appointed a member I~ the Fire Police, Ex-Chief Richard Olmsted was transferred from the Fire Police to Engine ¢o.1. The following bills were orders,-! paidtL,$.Reeve $65.14! H.Y.Telephone Co,~5,~0 & ~9,00! 3un~ise ~il Sts.80~5 ~ L.X.Llghting Os. 39.50jHumble Oil & Refg,Oo,4.lOjLou~s Service Sis. 6,65! W,¥.I~zuee 97,72~ 8.B,Woodhull 4,00jTidewater Oil 0o. ~9.15jMoto~ola 54.14JHansents Garage 132,98 & 434.2~jL.I,F!re Equip.Os, 63,20jHughes & Thomas 628.7~. The meetingwas adjourned sase30 P.M.,on motion made,seconded and carried.