HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/26/1963~INUTES OF MEETING OF CO~ISSIONERS OF THE MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, N.Y. ' April 26,1965. Presents0omalaaloners Anrig,?ut~ill,?rice,Miska, Chudia~,~nd Treas.Gildersleeve. =coting held at the firehouse,e~,lled to order by Chsirman Aarig at 7.50 P.M. A minutes ef theme ch 29 and April 4th meetings were read and a~pr~ved. ~, The following bills were ordered paids Hansen's G~rage $89.60~ Tidewater 0il Co. ~0.?2~August Rolfes lO.00~Lou's Service Sra. j§.05; L.I.Fire Equip.Co. 95.A0~L.I.Lighting Co. 58.A4~ N.Y.?elephone Co. 25.80 & 36.95~ L.I.?raveler ~1.1~ Motorola 5A.i&~ Eas~ 0cast Well Drill- ing & ~upply Cp.~A.8~ Ivans Shoe 3tore 152.~O~ R.L.Bergen 1~6.~0~ L & L Food Mkt. 3.~ . The Ch efVs annual report showing active membership in the M~ituc~ Fire Co. at llA~ Pr~ctice Sessions held Ag, Fire 3~ ool 9, 5~ fire alarms answered. The report was ordered to be placed on file. Me,ion was mede,seconded ~nd carried ~hat a proposition of Theodore Hulse for servicing fir~ pumps be placed on file. Motion was made,seoonded and ca tied tha~ Q~s.Miska be a.~thorized to ~ve built a closet for u iforms in the firehouse. Chief Dorm reporte~l on services performed a~d materials purchased bythe Fire Co. ?he matter of new fire hydrants was considered,and to be brough~ up at a f~ture meeting. Meeting was adJourne~ ~ 8.~ l~.H.,on motion m~de,seeonde~ and carried. D.R.Oildersleeve, See.