HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/30/1963I~llIOTES OF I~'ETXI~G 0Y 00M~ISSI01~:RS OF
oAug,~O, 196.~' , ~reeent ~ Ooaealesionerm An~igt~th~ll t ~oe~w~dka~ ~
hudi~k end T~am.Gllde~oleeve. Chai~
~ig preeidl~,C~l~ d at 7.30PM.
Minutes 'of t~ J~2 ~etl~ we~ ~ ~ ~prov~.
The following bills ~ ordered p~d~Post ~ffiee ~pt.
$~V.45; ~;.S'ater 5,O0~G,Nlne 5.00~,Ooutta 5,00~ ~ua ~ice Station
12~1~ & 60.S5~ Ba~'kera Phe~ao~ 134,84~. Matt.Latter ~.O0~M~ieipal
M~,Oo. ~.70lSt~ ~ Fusee Oo~p. 49~9~ Tidewate~ Oil Co, 6,1ltOalif.
Oil Os. 14.89j~ ~iest ~b~ce & ~gen Semite 81.00 & 17,~ St,~es
Eleo.~e~iee 19.~j ~.Y.Telep~one Co. ~.57.~0~ L.I.Li~ting Co. ~.00~
Lo~s ~ 34,851,oto~la .... 54.14j O~if,Oil 0o. 6.69,
T~ aeo~ta~ reported 2~t at the speelal mee~ng on ~a
A~.6 to vote the 1964 ~get,24 votes we~ eaetl 23 Yee~l No.
Mo~ion wa~ade seeo~ed and carried ~hat the ~ief ~ ~ tho~isA
to purchase 5
Ch'el Do~ presented t~ ~plioation of ~,George
~4,fo~ membe~ip in the fire department aa a vol~tee~ fo~m~, On motion
made,seco~ed a~ c~ried, t~ application .~aa approved.
Receipt of a Cla~ Release f~cm the ~z~~~x Ro2aX-
Glove Instance Oomp~iea,X85 Willis Ave,Mineola~N.Y. was ~eeived, in
~ga~ ~o fi~ hy~r~t d~age on J~y 21,Vineent Lea~ insu~d. Fi~e
Diet,ici bill of $225.00 for h~t ~epair was ~edueed on Release to
$2~.00. The aeo~ta~ was aut~eized to write the Roy,-Globe O~p~iee
t~t $~0.~ ~ld not be aecept~,-t~ the ~ll ao~t ~o~d be p~id,
On motion ~ade~seoo~e~: and carried, the meeti~ was adJo~ed
a~ 9 P.M,
D.R. Gildersleeve ~ ~ee,