HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/29/1963MATTITUCK FIRE: DISTRICT
,Yeti.7 R0~19~DG l'resentsOonmiaeloners An~i~h~.%ll~s, iOe~Mi~k~ and
a~ Treal,OildePlleeve, '
A~ig a~ ~.~0
A bid fo~ ~ installatton of fi~e ~lls~ w~ ~aeiv~
~aat Oo~t ~ell ~illing & ~ppl2 0o. ~ wells at $114~ ea~. Plus
pe~ foot for ~2 ~eate~ dep~ penetrated. $24.50 pe~. foot for a~2 ~ea~
le~t of at~~. O~gin~ location $10.00 per h~..~Motiom was m~e
aeoo~ed a~ e ~ried t~ t~ contract ~ aw~ to ~t
The a~e comply gave ~ estate of $228,~ for
a d~a~d fire ~dr~t ~ the ~e~ater Rd. a~ Oox's Neek Ro~. H~an~
was ~~ by c~ ~iven by ~o~ XeV~ M~ay~48~-6~ 8t.B~eo~
Motioa ~e,ae~ed ~d ca~i~ t~t the East Ooaat Co. be asked to ~e
the ~p~a a est~ate
Minutes of the J~2 1~ meet~ we~ ~e~ and ~p~ved.
~ follow~ bills ~ o~e~ed paid,Post Office $~.~;
L.X.~avele~ X~.~ & ll,2l; ~ou*a ~,St~, 46,~lH~ble Oil ~
~.2Xl Tidewate~ Oil Co, S4,~; Lo~a ~ 18,95 & 4e~;Nanaen a G~age
XS,82;~,Y.Telephone ~o,25.~ ~7,SS;L.X.Li~ti~ Co. 28,6~;~e~a-Review
22.59~ Mattituek La~~at 3~ & le~; Moto~la ~,14; Abe B~
Motion was m~e,aeeo~ed a~C a~ie~ that the F,W,D.t~ek
be t~en to L~'a ~e~lee Station fo~ se~iel~,
Motion was ~de, seeo~ed a~ e a~i~t~t Joe
age 20,approved b2 t~ Matitu~ Fi~ Comply meme~ip e~ttee,be
app~ved aa a me~e~ ~f the ~ mp~.
sdJo~ed at 8,~ P.M. on motion made,see ~ed
and oar~ied.
Notel Ce~'tified oheok $114.~0 of East Ooast Well D~illin~
SuPpl2 Co. (Suff. Oo;latl lankO was reoeived with fire well bid. Put in
deposit box