HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/29/1963MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT
~/ov.29~A965. Dresentt 0ommlleloners An~ig~Tuthill~Pr,lee~,N:[skb.,,
OhmiC, ~d T~eas. ~ilde~s leeve.
Meeti~ held at t~ firehouse,oalled to o~er bY Chair-
~ ~rig at 7,40
~Inutea of the ~tober meeting were read ~nd appPoved.
The following bills we~ ~~ o~ered paid~T~a~eleP
$9.~I L,I.Ll~in~ 0o. 31,~31 N.Y. Telephone Be. 35e35~ 35,45~d
L · L FO~ Mkt. 10,4~ TidewateP Oil 0o. 2~]26~ Rive~he~ ~to 9a~s
18.32~ H~ble 011 ~-erg.co. 4.~0~ L.IT~avele~ 17,65~ Moto~la
Martin 3uteP ~,O0~Geo,~ine 5.00~Walter Oout~e 5.00.
~xe eeoreta~ ~epo~ted that the end,ual eleetion would be
~ld Deo.3~1963~fr~ 7 P.M. to 10 P.M]~for the purpose of eleoti~ a
Fire Oo~Issione~ fo~ a five yea~ te~a~ a 2reaaureP for a t~ee yea~
te~. MaPtin Surer, George N~e and WalteP Ooutts were a pointed
se~e ss inspeo~o~s of the eleetion.
On motion made,seconded ~d oa~Pied~the following Resolution
was adopted~Resolved~that the inapeetors of eleotion on Dee.3~l~3~be
paid the a~ of $5.~ eaoh fop ~eir
Motion was made~seeo~ed ~ ear,led that ~as.P~iee be
a pointed to inspeot fi~e well on %~estphalia Read,and repoPt on
at ~e ~eoember meeting,
Motion was ~de~seeonded ~d o arried that Mt.Pries
Mlska be ~:.pointed to t~e care of ~e filling ~d g~adi~ of the fire
house parking lot,~ the installing of a d~ ~ell.
Motlgn was made,seco~ ~d ~rried that Ohief ~ be
a thorized to purohase 8 rainooats,12 pairs boots,and 6 he~eta.
Motion was ~de,seoonded ~do aPPied to purohase 300 feet of
1 1/2 lnoh ft~ hose,Ohle~ to ma~ the pu~hase,
On motion made,seeo~ed ~ arried~the meeting was adJou~e~
D. R.Gilde rs ieeve ~ See..