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HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/27/1963MIMUTE8 0F MEETING OF 00MM~$IOEER8 OF TEE
Dec. 27 a1953m. P re sent: Oommlssione rs ~nrig, Tuthill, P rice
Ohudiak ~ Tream. Glldersleeve. -
Mee~l,g held ~t the flrehouse,oalled to o~er b2 ~si~an
~rig at 7.30
~inute~ of the ~ovember meeting were read a~ app~ved.
The followiq bills were o~ered paid,Asea.Fica D[sta,~tate
New Yor~ 25.G0; ~.r,Tuth[[[ 114.74~ B.Y.~elephone 0o. 36,20 ~
Irving C.~ells 618.~$ L.I.Ll~ting Co. 30.82~ Wm.Pete~s 32.55~ East Coast
Well Drilling & Supply 0o. 24~.00~ Reg. H.~thill 10.50$ North Fork Oil
Heat 61.06;Vel Stye 1~.00; Ivans ~hoe Store 198.00; R~.~ond ~ine 1~.00/
The seetre~a~ reported on the ~ n~l election held Dec.5.
FoP Fire Oo~issioner, te~ of ~ years; Vm. Ohu~iek 1,Rie~ Olmsted 40,
Irwin A.~thill 178. For TPeaau~e~ Do~ld R.Oildersleeve 192,
Ohudiak 1. (Three year te~). Mr.Tuthill and Mr. Oh~iak were declared
A letter was read from Martin SuteP, seortea~ of the Fi~e
Oompany, th~ing the boa~ of oo~ssioners for improvements and redeooratAng
the firehouse.
Mo~ion was made,seoo~ed andoa~ried t~t two trophy cabinets
on the sou~h wall of the fire h~ll be eontlnued down to the floor,with
sliding doors.
Motion was made seconded and carried theft Mr.~rig atte~
the annual meeting of the association of Fire Distric~s~State of New York,
at the Hotel Hoosevelt,B'Y.Oity on Feb.lO-11-12~1964. The fo lowin~
resolution was adoptedon motion mede,seconded and carrled;"Resolved,that
Mr.Anrig be reimbursed for his expenses as delegate to the above meeting."
Lotion Was madp, ,seoonde~i and carried that ~ae.Miak~ be autho~
ized to purchase 3 dozen ~$t~Fire B.~ll gloves~
The dste~ set for the annual orga~.iz:~tion meeting was set for
~eeting was ~dJoumled at 8.80 PN on motion made,seconded and
D. R. Gildersleeve, ~ec.
Note~ Work was started on fi~u~~pg~/~t_ ,this day.