HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/01/1964MINUTES 0F~EETIN(} OF COMMISSI~ERS OF MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK. lONG ISLAND, N. Y. SPEOL~L ME~ TIN~. M~y 1,1964. Present:Commissioners Anrig, Tuthill,Price,Miska, and Chu~iak, and Treas. Gildersleeve. M~eting held ~.t t~ firehouse,called to order by Chair- msn Anrig at 7.~0 P.M. Motion was ~de, seconded ~nd carried, that bids be asked fo~ the purchase of a new Class .~ p~peP ~nd hose t~ok~as per spec- ifications on file,bids to be opened at 7.30 P.M. M ~y 22,1964,Dayli~t Saw~ g T~e. As the seoret~,~ will be ~bs~nt for a period oN several d~.ys,bids will be sec~ed from Otto ~nrig~ai~an of the bOa~. Motion was made,~eoonded ~nd carried that the advertisement fo~ bids be published in the LITravele~-M~t tituek ~%a~e~ of may V~ 19~4 ~ It was agreed that the meeting on May 22 be the re~lar monthly meeting for May. On m~tion made,seconded ~ carried, the meeting was adjourned. DeR.Gildersleeve~Sece