HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/26/1964MINUTES OF MEETING OF COMNISSIONERS OF THE MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. P~esent=Com~issioners Anrig~TuthillwPPi~e~Miska, snd Chudiak, and T~eas. I,t~illlr~ll;il&ll Gildersleeve Speelal Meeting held ~ ~firehouse~ealled to o~eP by Chai~ ~ig at 7.30 P.M. Minutes of the Ma2 22 meeting were re~ ~ apparel. Motion was m~e by Mt. Pries,sea,ed hy Mr.~t~ll, t~t[ t~ bid of Xo~ Fire Eq~i~ent for a new fire t~ok be ao~ep~,~hei~ bid being the only one that meets spee~ications furnished; said t~ck to be paid for ~ the with- d~awal of $ll~000.~ from North Fork B~ a t~st C~a~,bal~oe fr~ ~o~t vot~ in the ~dget for ~9~ 1~64 for p~se of apparatus a~ equi~ent. The see~ta~ was inst~oted to see att.~llli~ Wie~ In ~ga~ to t~ notice fo~ a pe~ssive ~efere~,publishing t~ notloe in the L.I.Traveler of J~e 4,19~4. A letter was re~ f~ Se~.Martin Surer of the Fire C~p~2 expressing the C=np~y's th~s for the installation of ~ ~ditig~l fire siren at the ocher of Cox Neok Ro~ ~ Bergen Avenue,Mati~k. After discussion 9f insurance 9~2 poliales, it was deeid~ that Mt. Stye be asked to be present at ~he next ~eting,~d Sidney ~thlll at the ~eeting following that one. The meeti~ was ~dJo~ned ca~ed.