HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/28/1964MINUTES OF ~EgTIN~ OF O0~{~ISSIONER8 OF T~E
Aug. Z8~1964~. Present:Commissioners Anrlg, Tuthill,Price,~.~iska, and Churi~
and Treaa.Gilde~sleeve.
M~eting held at t~ firehouse,calle~ to order by ~hai~
~rig at ~.AO P.M.
Minutes of the J~y meeting we~ read a~ app~ved.
The following bills were ordered p~i~ Geo.Ntne ~8.00;Walter
Coutts 8~O0~Martin B~te~ 8~00; N.Y.T~l~phone Co. A8.~0~2~.~; H~ble Oil &
Refg.Oo.l~OA; ~I.Traveler ~.~ ~ 11.21; L.I.Fire Equip~Co. 1.00;~m. Peters
~.~O;~-V.~yee ~.~; Motorola 8A.l~ & 27.00; St~J~mes Elcct.Se~ice ~00
Tidewate~ Oil Co. 22.~2; ~.ILi~ti~ Co. d.81; H~nmen, s Garage
Lou's Se~.Sta. ~.88; Tidewat~ oil Co. 2~.8~; L.I.Li~ting Co.
Cassell GMO T~ck S~les Corp. 91.~8.
~he secreta~ reported on the speci~l meeting held ~ug~ll
vote ~e 1~88 b ~dget. ~ votes wer~ cast,ell Yes.
Co~nication w~s rece~?v~d fr~m Insurance Agent Val Stype
~eco~ending that lncr~sses by m~'de on insurance of t~ two fire houses
as follows; Bric~ firehouse~increased to $8C,000.00. Fr~e Firehouse
increase.~ to $?~0.O0. Contents of brick fi~ehouse $8000.00. Motion was
made, seconded and carried that Mr. Stype b~ ~uthorlzed to make increases
re co,ended ~
n letter ~as received f~om Jo~n ~.Du~'yee ~s executor of the
Esthete of PH~ey ~ryee Estate and Donald Gilderaleeve,Joln$ o~crs of a
lot west of the Du~ee ~st~.~te homesite,~;ith a frontage of 177 feet and
depth ef ~8 feet on the cast,west depth to be g~ven later. The price was
$11~0~,00. Motion was made, seconded and carried that th~ offer be placed on
file ~
Motion was made,seconded andcarried that S00 oaths of office
for the Fire ~olice be ordered printed.
The ~eed of new 2 1/2 inch fire hose was brou~t up,estimated
need lO00 feet. Chief Do~ was to contact complies for description a~ price
The secreta~ was inst~cted to write to the C~.pt.Kidd gvic
Assn~M~ttituck, su~eating that they send a rep~sentative to the ~eptember
m~eting of the co~issioners to discuss f~re protection ~t C~t.Kldd Estates.
Motion was made~seconde .~ c arrled th..~t the secretary ~ite
6 letter to Chief Do~ t~t due to a compl~int ~ceiveq ~bout a party t~t
was held at ~he fi~house recently, no ~ture parties m~ be held the~ with~
out ps, salon fr~ one of the ~chiefs,a:~d ~ny pa?ty must bo supe~ised by
a company officer, or co~ittee chai~an.
The meeting was adJou~ed at 9 2N,on motion made, seconded
D ~Gilde rs ~.eeve, Sec.