HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/18/1964 tIIiIUTES OF MM]~TING OF C0~51ISSIONERS OF THE i-~
Dec .18~ 1964. P~e se~t: O~iesi caere ~rl~, ~thXll~ PrXee, ~tska~ Chudlak~
and Treas,Oildersleeve.
}~ee~[n[ wins held, ~ the f[~ehouse,oalled to o~der by~ Cha[~n
at 7.~5 P.~.
~inutes of the November meetingw ere ~ead ard ap~ ~oved.
The follow~n[ b~l!s were ordered pmid~be~ 0[1 a
~.~elephone Co. 4S.75 }: L.I.Flre E~uip.Cc. 21.50; Hansen's Oarmze 99.25~
Tidewater 0~1 Co. P3.70;Lou~$ Do~ ~5.00 & 8.~ & 16.00~ Lou~s
St~,. 11~.00; Kekert 0[1 Se~i~e 68.?O;[Traveler 16.24;W.V~ee 11~5~;
St~da~ ~{~ F~see Corp. 42.00~Vsl v.Stype 15.00 a ~6.00~ 9.P.~[th[!l
114.75; L.I.Li~t[ns Co. 5,9[~ ~,ssn.Fl~ Df. sts,St~te of ~.Y.
8a~ville Sport ~hop 699.50~F.Spencer Bu. tte~,,~orth 99,65~ F[re Hose
962.50; Yo~E F~.re k~uip.C9. (i~ew Fire ~k) ~608,40.
~ot~on was made,seconded and earried,~spe~ minutes of ~ 26,1964,theft
p~ent on new f~re truck (ohassls orlw) be o:,Id fr~ ~o~mt voted in
~13 8 ~;
~otl~z~~ ~ 7 . ~2230,40 f~om C~.ptt~ ~ese~o ~ fo~
A~paPstus. Total bill as pep contract $3720.O0,1e'ss discount $111.6o;
net $3608.40.-
The eecPa~ reported on the amu,u~il election held Ueo.l,1964~- 51 votes
cast,all for Ohas.Mlska for fire co~issioner for s te~ of five years,
Motio[~ wasmade seoonde,[ s. nd ~aPried th~t ~ollison Insurance be placed on
all fi~'e ~c~s,with a~:.;~) deductible clause.
The da~e for the 1965 &Pg~ization meeting was set fo~ Janua~ 7,1965~
~t 7.,~0 ~'
Motion was made,seconded ~d carried thatC~alman An~ serve as delegate to
the ~nnu~il convention of .-san.of Fire Distric~a,St~te of ~.Y. st the
~otel Roosevelt,~ew York City on ~eb.8-9-10,198B,and that the following
resolution be ad~pted: Resolved ,t~t the expenses of ~r. Anrig to the
aforesaid convention be p~Id by the Fire District.
M sting was edJou~ed at 8.30 P.M. om motion made,seconded and carried.
D. R. Gildersleeve, S~ec.