HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/16/1965, ~..~ ~, MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, N. Y.
Jul~ 16~1965. ~PECI~ ~EF. TI~G. ~ '
?resentl~ommtssloners Anri~,~uthill,Price,~iska,and
Chudiak, and Treas.Gildersleeve.
Minutes of the June 25 meeting wer~ read and spproved,
The following bills were ordered paidl Eckert 0il So,vice
~79/82; N.¥.Tel.Co. 46.~6;Wm. Peters 8.10 & ?,?6;L.I.Fire Equip.Co.21.70;
W.V.Duryee 8.A6;Lou~s Serv~Station 146.60.
Motion was made,seconded and carried that bids be asked from
Robt.L.Bergen,Eokert Oil Service ~nd North Fork Oil Heat for the sup~ 12
of fuel oil for the firehouse for the year 0ct.i,1968 to 0ct.1,1966.
Bids to be received prior to ?.~0 P.M. Aug.2?,1966, and opened and r~ad
at that time.
T~ matter of the location of new fire hydrants was discuss-
ed, and to be e~ntinued at the next meeting.
The following budget for the fiscal 2ear 1966 was adopted,
on motion made,seconded and carried;
Salaries and Wages $ 1~00.00
Purchase of .pparat~s & Equipme=t
Maintenance & ~epair of ~pparatus & Equip.
Maintenance & Sepair, Bulldings& P~ope~t2
Capital Rese~v& Fund for l~ehouae
0apital Reserve Fund for Apparatus
Fire Hydrants
Training & Education
~000, O0
TOTAL $29,100.00
Less Estimated Receipts ~00.00
Total Amount to be Raised $28,800.00
A motion was made,seconded and carried that a special
meeting be held ~ the firehouse on ~ugust 17,lg~5,between the hours of
? P.M. ~nd l0 P.M.,for the purpose of voting on the above budget,azd that
the meeting be advertised in the L.I.Traveler-Mattltuck Watchman of
;U~X2 22,1965.
Martin Surer,george ~ine and Walter Ooutts were appointe~ to
serve aa inspectors of election at the above meeting. Motion was made,
seconded and ca~ried that it be Resolved,th~ the inspectors of election
on the above date be p~id $5.00each for their services.
The meeting was adjourned ~ 9 i~.M.,on motion made,
seconded and carried.