HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/26/1965~INUTI::5 OF M[ETING OF O~)L~Is,:I,)NFRo'~: "': "'OF THE
Feb .26,1965. Pr,~sent:C ~mls si one rs anria, Tuthtll,Prlee,Wlska,and Chudtak
and Treas.Gildersleeve. '
~eet~ng held at the firehouse, c~lle,~ to o~e~ by Chsi~an
~nr~g at 7.4o P.~.
~inutes of the Jan.28 meetin~ were read ~ app~ved.
The following bills were o~ered paid~Fckert Oil Se~ice,In.~.
~5.5~, De ~'riest ~b.Service 1~.30; H~ble Oil ~ Refg.Co.
Co. 63.69; Moto~la ~4.14; ~"m.Fiore 2.00; Louis Do~ 8.00 & lO~.O0;~;illiam
Greither 8.00; F.S.Butterworth 6.50.
The sec~eta~ reported that he had rece've,~ written accept~c~
from Robt.Conklin that he would serve ~s J~nitor for the rema~ader of 1~85.
Lett~r ~aa received from See.M~tin Surer off the F~re C~p~n~
re.iuest~ pe~iasion of the commissioners to ho~d their
on the fire house psrking lot on J~ly 7-8-~-10. It w~s moved seconded snd
carried that pe~iasion be ~ranted with the provision that ~mplete Inaur~e
coverage be -rranged~the secretary to ac notif~ ~,~r.~.Bute~.
The chai~an m~de the i'o ~low~:g a~pointments:
~r.frice to have c~ack in firehouse floor ~paired.
~,[r. Ch~i~ to purchase 2 rubber mallets.
~,lr.Miaka'~ h~'.ve board inatt~lled for the posting of Fire
truck "tro~b [e ' ~ports.
The meeting was adjoined $ 8.48 ~.,on motion made,seconded
and carrie.
[i:. R. Gildersleeve, Sec.