HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/28/1965 MATTITUCK
J~n.28,1965. Present,Commissioners Anri~,Tuthlll,Prlce,.~liska, ~ndC~udiak
and Treas. Gtldersleeve.
Th~ meeting was held ~t the firehouse,called to order by
(3h~iz-man Anrig at 7.30 P.~.
Minutes of the 0rg,.nization ~e~ting were re~d and approved.
The following bills were ordered paid~ Sidne~
i~770.Z8; Suff. Co.~'ire Dists.assn. 15.00; L a L Food H~rke~ 1R.45; Ecke~t
0il Service 103.06; L.I.Ll~ttn~ Co. 90.84;N.YTelephone Co. ?5.50;
N~r~'s Deli. 2.04; ~otorol~ 84.14; Tidewater Oil Co. 16.99.
-, letter was read from Solomon R~ff :,Riverhe~d,stating that
~rs.A~o~ll C.S,~eezy is ~not interested ~t this ti~ in selling her prop-
erty et M~ttituck,N.Y. (~roperty on ~iddle ~ Lipco Ro~ds,~viously offered
for s ale. )
f~totion ~'~as m~de,seconded ~nd c~rrled that Chs. i~n arrig
Ir~fo~ the Co~y ~presentative that in reference to repairing a cistern
at F.C.Tuthlll, s,;~lddle Road, the ~,ttituck Fire District will not do this.
The secreta~ ~as instructed to write .~, ~snk-~ou letter to
atty.~illi~ ,,ic~:m, thr~nking him for drawing up ~n agreement between
the Fire District and Florence E. ~d Leslie E.~t~ll. ~ sgreement was
~n e~,sement fo~ a plot 10 feot by 10 feet for const~etlon~lnst.llation
m~n~nl~ ~d using ~ fire ciste~. ~e easement
the deposit box of the District at the Nor~ Fork B~ ~,~ Trust Co.~
~attituck office.
Jo~ ~,~.~utche~,who h~-s been custodl~-'~n of the firehouses
for the past tnirty-ni~ years,sent in his r~-~si~tion~due to ill health.
Motion was made,seconded ~dc arried th~,t the resi~ation be accepted with
~grets,and ~at the secrets y write ~r.~ut~e~ a letter of acceptance,
a~ exp~ssing the Boa~ s spp~c~at~on for his years of f~,it~ aeries.
a mo'ion ~'~as ~de~aeco~ed ~ carried that Robert$O~ln
be si;pointed Ja~tor for ~e re~l~de~ of 1985, at the s~ salad.
afte~ discussion of ~in~en~ce of our radio syst~t
was voted to lay the matter on the table ~til the Feb~a~ meeting.
A motion was m~de,sec nded ,~ csrried that the chal~
pu~hase ~000 ~o.10 envelopes for Fire Dept.uae~also ~000 2u~ng Pe~lta.
The need of a new water heater ~as brouSt up, s~ on
motion made,seeo~ed ,:~ carried,~r.Nlsk:~ was ~:p~'olnted to ar~e~e the
purchase and instsllstion of ~: gas water hater of 40 g~llon capacity.
~lr.Nisk~ s,~est~ t~t the secreta~ keep a ~co~ book
in whi~ to ente~ special p~ch~,ses,su~ as fire hose,etc. ~e seo~ta~
said ~ ~ould have this done.
On motion m~de, seconded ~ c~rrled,the meeting was
D. R. Gilds ~sleewe, Sec.