HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/24/1965MATTITUC~K FIRE: DISTRICT MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. Spot.24,1965. Present: Commissioners Anrig,Tuthill,Miska,Prioe, ~nd Chudiak and Treas. Gildersleeve. ;leering held at the firehouse,called to order by Ohalr- man Anrig at 7.30 P.M. The bhsirme~ requested the bids for pa~ing the fire house parking lot to be opened. The bids: ?~ul Oorazzini & Sons~eenport,~.Y. $I~90.00 H.O.Weloh ~,aphalt Co.,Riverhead,N.~. 1395.00,plua :~L.OO pe~ yard if extr~ fill be req~red. ~otlon made by Nr.Frice,seco~ed by N~.Miska that the bid of Coraszini be accept~d. ~o bids were ~eceived for the installation of two firewells. ~inutes of the au~at meeting weve ~-ead ~d approved. A Reso4ution was adopted that the following bills,whloh had be~n approved by the co~ssioners,be ordered paid:Sews-Review Pub. Go. $22.355 L.I.Tcavele~ 17.10 ~ 5.325 N.Y.T~lephone Co. 44.80 & Lou's Sexy. Sra. 9.00; ii,bls Oil & Hefg. Co. ~.62;~'~.V.~ryee ~.~$ Yo~ Fire Equip.Co. 87.45 & 25~205 L.I.~ting Co. 25.20iNertia ~li. 2.~; hews-Review Pub 0~. 6.89S Oeo.L.Pe~y, Inc. 164.01. Motion was made,aeeo~ed ~d earri~ thatO~iasione~s Miska ~ Tut~ll ~nq~re about cost of having the old firehouse shingled. C~ef Jack Van ~2s~ek sa~itted proposed articles fo~ the incorporation of the Mattituek Fi~e Comps2. The matter was dsieussed, with no action t~en at the meetly. There ~ving been no response rom bids ffo~ the installation of fire wells,motion was m~e,seeo~ed ~d carried that the s~e ~ b~ published in the News-Review on 8ept.30~bids to be opened at the Oct.29 meeting. ~otion was made,seceded and ea~ried t~t master swit~ es be in, tailed on all the fire t~eks. The meeting was ~Journed at ~.~0 .~.~.,on motion seconded end carried. D.R .Gildersleeve, ~ec.