HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/29/1965- ~INUTES OF MEE~]~G OF CO~AISSLONERS OF THE
Oct .29,1965. Pr~ sent ~ 0ommissioners ~nrig, Tuthill, Price,Misks, Chudiak,
and Treas.Oildersleeve.
~eeting was h~ld ,t the firehouse,c~lled to o~der by Oh~i~~-
man ~rlg st 7.30 Pg. He asked for fire well bids to be opened. The bids~
East 0cast ~'ell Dvilllng ~-
~ Supply Co.,Inc. Riverhead,N.Y. t
~1~50.00 each. Greater depth ~8.00 per foot. Greater length of
2 ~;~ells, ~' o
strainer ~2~.~ per foot. Ohange of location $10~00 per hour. ~nclosure,
Certifiod Check ~12~.00
M~thies ~il ~ P~ Co.,Inc.,Ende~urst,N.~. ~1800.00 each
well. Gre.~ter or l~sser depth $1~.0~~ per foot. Greater or lesser screen
length ~25.00 per foot. Change of l~cation ~2~.00 per hour. h~ osure
Bid Bond,Fidelity~ D~posit Co. of Md.
C.[~.L~.~uman & Co.,Inc.,Bethp~ge,N.Y. ~,4268.00 for 2 wells.
Extrt'. depth $19.50 per foot. for each well. ~ell screen from b~se lenEhh
~lus or minus (20 ft.) for each screen $30.00 per foot. Ch~.nge of
location $22.50 ;~er hour. Enclosure~ Bid Bond, U.S.Fidelity & Guaranty Co.
Motion made by Mr.Miska, seconded by Mr.Churi~k, that the bid
of E~st Coast ~,ell Drilling & Supply co. be accepted,subjected to ~ state-
ment of non-collusion.
Minutes of the ~eptember m~.eting were r~ad and ~ proved.
The following bills,approved by the commissioners, were
ordered paid,by Resolution. See list below.
Motion was made,seconded and carried that the chairman be
authorized ~nd empowered to arrange cert~ln changes in the fire alarm
system ~t the Police Office at P~ conic ,to make XJam~ same a button system.
~t the ~equest of Asst.~ief ~ilcenski,motion was made,seconded
and carried that the membership of the Ma~tituck Fire Company be opened
to allow the ~:~dmlttanoe of two new members.
MMtion was m~.de,seconded and carried that ~.Miska be authorized t
to arrange for the cleaning and/or painting of the firehouse kitchen ~nd
the downstairs meeting room.
The treasurer presented the ~.Y.St~te ex~miner's report of
fiscal m~tters of the fire district for the period J~n.l,1963 to Dec.31,1~64,
The report was considered s~tisfactory and without exceptions.
The commiatee on shingling the old firehouse re~:orted p~ogress,
and will report farther at a f~ture meeting.
The meeting was sdJourned at ~ P;M.,on motion m~de,seconded
and carried.
Bills ordered paid~acket 0e. $796.50; Lou's Berv. Sta.
57.60; ~oung Fire E~uiP.Co."~$B2'oO ,,:965.00 &39.36:;N.Y.Telephone Co. 43.45 &
26.75; ['~eWs-Review $22.90; L.I.Lighting Co. 33.77,L,I.T~'aveler 2.85;
Humble Oil & Refg.~.5.66;;~m. Peters 5.00;R~ymond Zamber 90.00; ¥~.V.Duryee
5.00; Paul Cor~sinni Son $1290.00