HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/26/1965 MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, N, Y, ~ow.26~196~. ~eeen~ Go~iasionePe ~ri~Tuthill,P~iee~Mis~,~nd Chudi~k, and Tr ~as.GXl~e~sleeve. Meeting was held . t the firehouse,sailed to o~der i~in~teeof the *~ober meeting were read ~d approved. T~ following bills were ordered ~uidt Fran~ MuShy Center $~.94~ Har~'e Deli 3.~ Hansen's ~ara~e 84.89; ~eeve Lbr. ,;.~.Co. 5.~; N.Y.Telephone Co. 2 .75 & 43.35; L.I.Ll~ting Co. L.I.Tra,~le~ 9.12~ ~:d's Radio O~.Se~iee 1/65~ Tidewater Lou'~ Serv.Sta. 6C..9~; ~..V.~yee 11.87~ H~ynor~$ Garage 68.18~ Earle O.Dio~rson 18.00~ Theo.O.Maa~a~ Hulse 104.00. Above o~dered paid Re sol ,At ion. Motion :~as m~de,seco~ed :.nd ea~ri-~d that Thcs Jr.,Ed a~d J ~'~oessner,Pet,:r ~,,.Ooleman,Olement Th~as B~own,Herbert Alfred Fisher,:nd Hen~ Ru2koski,be a;~oved fo~ n~em'bers~p In 2he ~.:~ tituek Fire ~ept.,s~e bavin~ ~en ~.XSd b2 the Fire Oomp~ny membe~ip eo~ittee. ~y the s~ motion,members~ipa were ~ain closed. Martin Suter,Geo~ge J,ine ~,~ I~;'~ter Courts were ~ppoin2ed to serve as inspectors of election on Dec.7,1965. ~lotion was made,seconded and ca=~iedthat the following Resolution be adopted~ R~solved that the i~spectors of clectlon on ~ee.7,i9~8 be paid the s~ oF ~.00 each for their se~lces. =orion was ~de,:~econded ~ c~ried that ~r.,~lg be ~, ~ointe~ delagate to the ~nnual convention of Fire Districts Assn. of State of ~ew Xork to be held ~t ~ ~il~ore Hotel in Bew Yo~ City Feb.?-8-~,1966, a~ that it be Resolved ~hat ~11 of his A~gitimate expenses be incurred by t~ Mattituck Fi~e District. The date of the December meeting ~as advaneed,,~nd ls to be held ~ec.3o instead of Motien was ~de,seeonded ~dc arkied that certain new equipmer~t be purchased for u~e i~ the kitchen. The meeting ~as adjourned ~t 8.40 ~'.~,~.,on motion made~ seconded ~. nd c D.R · Oilders l®eve, ~eo.