HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/27/1965 MINUTES OF MEETING OF COb~Y. ISS£ONEHS OF THE ,.' MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, N.Y. ~ .I Aug..-~7~lg~5. ~resenttOommts stoners Ar~tg,Tuthill,]:'rlce,~l.ska~, a~ ~hudiak and Tr, as.Gildersleeve. Meeting was held at the firehouse,calls t to order' by chai~ man Annie at B ?.50 P.M. Minutesof the July meeting were read and ~pproved. The secretary reported on the special meeting of Aug.17,at which time the 1~5 budget was submitted for ~doption. 28 votes wer~ cast, all Xes. A Resolution was ~opted thut the following bil~s be o~ered paid~V~ ~.3t~e $261.44; Xo~g Fire Equip.Co. 235.89; Ed's ~adio~ Oo~- 3e~lce 77.~ ~.X.Telephone Co. B6.~5 & 45.7~; H~ble Oil &~Refg.Co. 7~22~ Han::~en's Garage ~0.~; W.V.~yee 5.87;Tidewater Oil Co. 57.4~ M~rtin Surer ~.(~; Geo.~ine ~.00; Walte~ Courts B.O0; Lou's . ~.76~ Jo~n WIXcens~ 7.~; ~;alter L.Wllli~s ~5.~' · Radi~ Service 21.2o;TAeodore B~se ~.~0. T~ c~i~ ~po~ted ~e receipt of $13.00 ~t~ had been colleo, ted for d~ge to a chair In t~ co,isA u. ner's ro~. Motion was made,aeco~ed ~ ca~ed that the ~o~t be deposited in the General F~. Motion was ~de,seco~ed ~c arriedt~t adve~tisements be placed in the Tr~le~-Watc~ ~nd the News-~view fo~ bids for g:,ading and pa,l~ t~ fi~ house parking lot,bids to be received before 7.30 ~ept~ber 24t~. The secreta~ was lnst~cted to ~ve La,,~yer draw up the specifications ~nd place the Motion was madetseeonded ~ carried th~,t bids be asked for the inst~llation of two (2) new fl~ wells,one .on Faoto~ Avenue ~ o~e on the new ro~d throu~ M~ tituck Estates. S2ecific~tions to be the s~e as used previously,except that the c:~pa be iron instated of br, ss. ?o be advertised in the Trav,~ler-~'=to~n sndthe Bows-Review. Bi,~s to be received prior to 7.30 P.M. Bept.24,work to be ~mpleted by ~o.15,196B. l~otlon ~as m~de,seconded a~ carried that 6~ feet of 2 1/~: inch 1~% 3~thetio Fire HoseIk~purchased at ~, price of $965.00 Co~].asloner Mia was ~ppointed to inspect tho shingles on the old firehouse,with ~.uthority to arrive for necesaa~ repairs. Mr. Miska as also a~pointed to purchase 2 small fire extin~ers for the ~ew t~ck. The meetX~ was adjourned ~t 8.~0 P.M.,on motion made, seconded a~ carrie. D, R. Gilde~eeve, Se o.