HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/30/1965MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND, N. Y.
Dec.30,1965. ~resent ~ Oomm'l ssioners anri~?uthill,Price,M~ska, and Chud~ak~
and Tr ae.Gilde~sleeve.
~tnutes of the ~ea~ba~ex ~ow~mber meting were read
a Re~olution was adopted; ~esolved th.<t the f~Llow~n~
be paid~ Ed's ~a~lo Con~e~t~on ~e~vice $180.00; B~se
87.2~; Lou~ 3e~.Sta, 37.~; N.Y.Telephone Co. 44.15 a Z8.8~;
Courts 5.OO;~eo.Mine 5.O0;2artin Sute~ 5.00] Tidewater Oil
~2.15; V~i W.~t~e ~gency 15.00 (P~y in J~n.1966)~ L.I.Li~t!ng Co. 59.31]
Fi~'~en's Assn.3~tet of N.Y. 4.00 (P,y in J~n.1966);Hs:..~'e ~eli 9.~6~
F.3.Butte~orth 400.9~ Eas~ Coas~ Well ~rilling & Supply Co.
R,M.Oi~lin ~.O0]Lawrence of Rlverhea~ 77.~.
Motion made,seconded and c~Pried theft the Eaet Coast Well Drill:
· 3uppl2 0o. be g~nted ~til J~-~n.15,1966 to complete thei~ ~ontrEct of
inst~lling f~ wells,a~ that pa~en~ of their bill,aurthorized ~:bove,be
h~ld ~til the wrok is completed and ~ ~ved.
~r.Price was appointed to inquire about floor waxe~s,~nd
given authority to purchase one.
The d,~te for the ~ual o~g~niz~tion for 1~6 was set
fo~ J~n.7th.
On motion mede,seconded ~e ar~ied, th~:~ meeting -~aa adJou~ed
a~ 8.30 P.M.
D.R .Gilders eeve, See.