HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/2010ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS '!own Hall Annex. 54375 tioute 25 P.O. Bl~a 1179 Southo d. New York 11971-0959 Fax (631) 765'9064 Telephone (631) 765-1899 TO: FROM: RE: DATE: Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk (fur Distribution to Supervisor Russell and Town Board Members) Leslie Kanes Weisman, ZIIA Chairpe~on/Department llead COMBINED MONTHLY DEPARTMENT HEAD AND NE~~, APPLICATIONS/FEES REPORT for: September 2010 October 1, 2010 II. Requires Immediate Attention: Thank_.~]k~.Jp_.lke }['_o>~ Bom'd Members The Chairperson, members of thc Zoning Board, and the ZBA of lice staff would like to collectively thank the Town Bo~d members, especially Supe~wisor Russell, for their support in re-naming Dam Pond in memoo' el' former ZBA Member and Chairperson. the late Ruth Oli,,a. The dedication ceremony that took place on September 27d was a fitting tribute to a respected colleague and friend thal honored not only Ruth m~d her many comributions, but a/so recognized the essential imt×mance of dedicat'ed public service lo the well~tre et Southotd Town. Four months ago, m the Chai~rson's request, Special Prq}ects Coordinator Philtip Beltz and Assr Town Attorney JennilEr Andaloro conducled a walk through and imcrview with ZBA staflk Chaiq>erson and some members of ibc Trustees and Building Departments regarding improving stall' salary through modifications to m:cess to the ZBA office. To date no action has been taken. Subsequently. the Chai~erson regrets to report that on Sept 14, 2010 Board Assistam V icki Toth experienced m~other incidence of threatening verbal abuse by an irme property owner when she politely intbrmed him that m-activating his 2006 application wotdd require a new application lke. ZBA legal secretary t,uci[Ic Cappabianca was a wimess ~ were others in the Building Department. Ms. l'oth's written Workplace Violence Incident Report and the Chairperson/Dcpamnent Head's cover loller have been submiucd Io the Workplace Violence Prevemion C~mm~it~ee wilh a requested reply I terns of Concern: C art y 9.~ ~);!L 3:1 t~]?~g [r.t/n~ bisher~]shtnd The Chairperson requesled a meeting with Supervisor Russell, Nelx~ork and Systems Administrator lloyd Reisenberg, and Assr IA Andaloro to discuss the details and installmion of the videoconfcrencing equipmcin that has been purchased to enable ~BA Member Homing to deliberaie and vote on decisioas t¥om Fishers Island at our monthly Special Meetings. Tine Chairperson thanks Supervisor P, ussetl tbr placing ibis 1hatter tm thc agenda of the October ? Town Board work session, and Councihnan Ortm~do ibr his expressed inlerest in moving ibrward on this prqjcct. IV. IlL Policies: Time IJmitation oa Variances and Special Exception Penn[ts During the work session portion of the Special Meeting of the ZBA on September 15, 2010, the Board held a second discussion on ~hether or not to suplxm time limits on special exception pemfits anti variance ret[el granted. Fishers Island Member George Homing participated via teleconferencing. An excellent research report to the Board from Assr TA Anda]oro on how other local municipal/ties handle the issue was most helpful in informing our discussion. Board members expressed diverse opinions on the matter. It was noted that in thc past the Southotd Town ZBA bad imposed as a condition in alt written decisions, a three year time f?ame within which a property owner had to obtain a bnitding permit or the relief or special exception expired. Some members thought thru variance reliefm~d pemfits grained should continue in perpetuity, even il'they had not been acted upom as is currently the case. Others felt that some type et time limits, as imposed by many other municipalities, were quite reasonable and would reducc or eliminate t~)ssible coniticts and inconsistencies with changes in the Code over thne, especially with applications that require action by the Planning Board. In the end~ no agreement was reached and the con~nsus among Board members was to remand the matter back to the Asst. TA to put befbre the l'ovm Boar4/Code Committee iffwhen she so chooses to do so. Financial/Budget Issae~: ZBA Consultant Linda Ko'aalski The Chairperson infonued Ms. Kowalski aboul the upcoming M;micity meeting on October 4, 2010 scheduled to review the fimctioning of the system as currently insmlled, relative to meeting the operational needs of the ZBA office. She v-as inJfbrmed thru our oflice is confident that her careful original input and oversight with Ms. Toth mtd the Chairlx. rson will enstlre that little if any "tweaking' for thc ZBA part of the program Mit be necessary. She is available u~til the end of the w, ar as a backup, as per her contract, bal understands that further consult[aa is unlil~'clv, The Chairperson wishes to acknowledge the outslandmgjob Ms Kow~tski did in]~ssisting her and Ms. Toth il~ the implementation of the Municity System, Increases in ZBA l:ecs At the work session of the Special Meeting on September 15, 2010. the Zoning Board members reviewed line by li~e the Chairperson's second draft oroposal to increase [bes, I'he Chairperson is [>leased to reporl that the Board tmani;~,ously supported a final draft proposal t*~ present lo Ibc Tox~} Board. Ihe Chairperson will follow tip with the Supervisor to have fl~is proposal placed on thc next available i'o~An I3oard agenda. Personnel Matters: On September I4. 201 (}~hc Chairpcrs(m, V icki Torh. and Lac[lie Cappabianca inlervie~ed a potential parr lime data eair5 s[aFl person thai was sent 1o through the Department of Labor. We all regret thai tl~is outstanding candidate bad as of the same morning, learned Iha/she was to be employed 1~11 time her in area of expertise which is healthcare. We will continue Io request a pan time data ent~T employee l?om the DOI,, since om office ~emains sh(m Xl. ActMties of the Buard/Accumplishments: Regular Meetins,: [)ate: Sept. 23. 2010, Call to Order: 9:03AM. Adjourned: 4:22 PM Public Hearing~ Total: 13 Number of new applications heard: 9 Number of Carryovers l¥om previous hearings: 4 Number closed reserving decision to later date: 6 Number closed subject to receipt of'additional information: 1 Nmnber adjourned to anotber date: 6 Number adjourned w/o a date: 0 Nmnber of Resolutions passed: 16 Number of decisions made: 1 Next Regular Meeting[ October 21,2010 Special Mectina: Dale: Sept. 15, 2010, Call to Order: 5:00 PM. Adjourned: 6:50 PM Number nfassigned dra:fi findings discussed: 5 Number of decisions made: 5 Number of Resolutions pas~d: 7 Number ofS~te Inspcctmns mad~ by Board members: 13x '; -~:: 65 Municit5 ~ork Sessions: None this mouth M~tin~3~`t~.9~e~/iBjt-i~a-[.e-d~b~BZ~-~`-h-~gr~s~n/Dcp-a~t--.m-~nt-I~d- (LK 9/03 - LKW. Super;isor and Comptruller re: ZBA budget fnr 2011 9/0g - Meeting site inspection with IKW and I~WRP Coordinator Mark Terry re v, etlands on a particulm' applicaion before the ZBA 9/09 -t,KW and Assr I'A re litigation 9/14 - I,KW. Vicki Toth and Lucitle Cappabianca re interview of potential part time data en,'y operator fi'om the DOI, 9q4 1XW, Vicki Toth and Assr TAm various applications belbre the Board and several applications Gr Special Events Permits at Wineries 9/15 I,KW. Jamie Richter, Jennit~r Andaloro, Supervisor Russell, Jerry Goehringer. Jim McMahon, Melissa Spiro re: Maintenance oFT&aposha Road 9/17 IXW w~th Assr TArc: Litigation 9/i 7 - Chairperson and ZBA staffre ol}ice operations 920 - IKW and Assr IA re various applications bek~re the Board 929 LKW and Assr I'A re ZBA policies and applications betbre the Board 9/30- tKW mccling x.~ ilh ZI3A Staff 9/30 iXW and Assr I'A re: policies and applications bdbm the Board Staff Activities i'qOj~ber of p%)plc assisted at the counter 87 hours spent assisting: 15 L5 (;4s~i~ we i~c/~dcs fi/ling ouf mm' al¥~lications, mailing,¥ and po*tingx providing * 9 14 LK\k Vicki Toth and I~uciI}c ('appabianca re interxiew of potential part time data entry operator i?om the DOI, 9/14 -- t,KW. Vicki Toth and Assr TAm vm'ious applications before the Board and several applications for Spccial Events Permits at Wineries 9/17 - I,KW and ZBA staffre ol't]ce operations 9/21 - VT attended day long seminar required ibr maintenance of her license as plans examiner 9/30- LKW meeting with ZBA Staff VI. MONTHLY REPORT ON NEW APPLICATIONS AND FEES Total Applications Received lbr the month of August: I'oml Fees Cotleclcd: 8 $2, 750.00 b~es~llv Submitted Leslie Kanes Weismm~ Chairperson/Department ltead