HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/07/1965MI~IUTES OF M~'2TI14G OF C0~JM:[SB[0NE[~3 OF MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. JanoT,1965, a~NUAL O~GnNIZATION Presentl Ooam~esioaers An~ig, Tuth~ll~?rice,~iska,~nd Chu~iak, and Treas.Gildereleeve. Meeti~ was held ~ t~ fi~house,ealled to o~de~ by Chal~ at 7.30 P.M. Minutes of the ~ce~ber ~eeting we~ read and approved. The treasu~r p~sided for the e!eotion of a ehai~n for 1965. M~.An~ig was placed in no~ination,seeonded,~d no~inations on motion made s,oonded ~nd carried. ~r.~ig was deelame~ elected,adh took the shelf, asking fo~ no, nations fo~ vice ehai~sn. Mr.Ohas.P~ice .,as n~inated ~d. elec~ed b7 the $~e p~ooedu~e eS ~OV~, On motion made~eeeo~e~ ~d ear.led,the followin~ Eesolu~[on adopted; Resolved,that the ~orth Fork B~ & ~st C~',any of M~ttituok, ~.~ be n~e~ depos~to~ for the Fire Distviot monies for the yea~ 1965. Yotion was ~de, seoondei ~ cad.ted that Donald H.Gildersleeve he appointed secreta~ for the year 1965 st a sala~ of ~4~.00 per The tveas~ev~s ~u~ financial re~t~and t~ treasure~s ~nu~ report of Receipts ~d Dis~rsements were both ex~ine~and ai:~p~ved~on ~rion~de, seco~ed ~d carried. The Globe Inde~ty 0o. Bo~$40~.00~o,~1361~an.l~1965 .~o Dec.$1,1~5, ~.:rincipal Donald N.Glldevsleeve,~reas~we~was aFp~wed and si~ed. The treasurer p~duced all account books,etS. ~s requi~ed by law,~d se~e were ack~wledged ~,by the fire Motion w~ ~de~seoo~ed ~ carried that of bhe bal~ce on ~ in the General ~.at the close of ~e year l~64,~o~t tree,erred to the C~pital Resets ~d for Fish,se The following bill~ were ordered paiA~ N.Y.Telephone Co. ~2~.40 5~.05} Moto~la 54.14~ Firemen~s Assn.,State of N.~. 4.00; Ecke~t Oil Se~ioej Ins. 7~.00~ ~.V.~ee ~5.~6~ ~'aterou~ Co. 319.25~ Lou's Service Sts. 24.~; R~o~ F.Nine 13.00; On motion made,seoonded ~d earried the me,ting was adjoined 2.15 P.M. D.R.GildersleevewSec. MINUTES QF. MEETING J~F C0~MISSIONER8 OF THE MATTITUCK I"IRE: UISTRICT MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, N.Y. ~ J ANNUAL ORGANIZATION MEETING Ja~?*;19~..5 The amuual organization meeting of the Mattitu~k Fire District was held at the firehouse,~J~ this date,called to order by Treasurer Gilder- sleeve,who pr~sided for the election of a chairman for 1966. Otto Anrig was nominated, seconded,the nominations closed,and he was uninanimously elected. Mr.Anrig then took the chair. On motion made,seconded and carried Charles Price was appointe~ to preside at any mom~a~ regular meeting that the chairman was unable to attend. Donald R.Gildersleeve was a~pointed by the boar~ to serve as secretary for the year 1966 at a salary of $450.00 per year. ~otion was made,secom~ed and carried that the following resolutlom be adopted: Resolved that the M~x North Fork Bank and Trust Compamy of Mattituck,N.Y. be named depository of the fire district monies for the year 1966. On mo~ion made,seconded and carried the treasurer's annual financi~l report for the year 1965,and the annual report of receipts ar~ disbmrse- ments for 196§ were approved. It was voted to transfer $5500.00 of the balance in the general ~mmmx fund at the close ortho year 1965 to the Cap- ital Reserve FunA for Firehouse. Globe IDdemmity Company Bend #901561,Princlpal ~&~m~x DonalA R.Gildersleeve,Treas.,amount $~000.O0,expiring Jan.l,196?,was approved and signed by the commis~ oners. The treasurer p~oduced all books,checks,etc, as re uired by law, a~ same were acknowledged by the commissioners. Motion was made,seconded and carried that Robert M.Conklin be reengaged as fire house Janitor for the year 198~ at a salary of $60.00 per month. Minutes of the ~ecember 30,1965 m33ti~g were read and ap~roVe~ The following bills were ordered paid. Sidney P.Tuthill $25.00~ Assn.Fire Distr.,State of N.Y. 25.00; D.R.Gildersleeve 1.75; W.V.Dmr.w~ee 8.9?;Hansen's Garage 35.60; Lou's Serv.Sta. 5.00; N.Y.Telephone Co. 43.10; Union Free School Dist.#9, ~0.00. Chief Va~ Ryswyck and assistants John Wilcenski and AllanDicker- son were to be asked to be present at the~anuary 28 meetimg. The meeting was adjourned at 8.45 P.M.,on motion made,seconded and carried. D.R. Gildersleeve, Sec.