HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/22/1966 MINU.~S OP MEET.[N~ ~' COn, MISSIONER8 OF THE MATTITUCK I'IRE: UISTRICT MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, N, Y, July 2Z, 1966. P~esent :Commissioners Ohudiak, ~nd Xreae .O~ldersleeve. ~et~ng held a the firehouse,c~led t~ ~rd~r Anrlg ~t 7.~0 Minutesef the June meeting were read ~nd approved. The roll,owing bills were o~ered paid~ N.Y.T~ephone $*~.~$;N.T.Telephone Co. 28.~8; L.I.Llght~ng Co. l~.~;M~ble Oil & Refinin~ Co ~.~; T~dowate.r Oil Co. 32.80;C.H.~eredith ~S~$ O~ftce-ept~ 8.80; G.L.Pe~ny,Ine. ~.~8$V~l ?.~ty~a 2~.~2. ~otion v~as ~ade, seconded .nd c ~Pr~d that : ~r.an~ig Oe appointed delegate to the annual convent!on of Fi~emen's Assn.~Sta~e of N.Y. to held at Roehe~ter,~.~. Aug.l~- l~,with ~.~iaka as ~lte~mte. The secret~my warn instructed to write a letter of thanks to the Southold Town Hi~ay S~ot.,M~ymond De~n, for oiling and s~ding the ps. rklng lot. Chief Van ~yswyek b~ouM~t u~ a ~oposltion r~ garding the purchase of a madio at a cost of ~ proxlm~tely ~0. ~otlon was m~de,seeonded ~d oa~'ie~ to lay tt on tbs table. ~otion was m~de,~econ~iod ~nd carried theft ~ho following budget ~e ~doptod for Salaries an~ Wages Purchase of ..~pparatus ;'~. Equipment ~i~intenance and Repair of ~:~paratus Equipment M~In~enance :~ ~p~r,Bldge. Property Oapit~ Hese~e F,~d for Firehouse C~pit~ Eese~e Fund for Fi~e Wells Insurance Traln~n~ ~nd Edueetlon ? I~OL',O0 ~500.00 3~00,00 8000, O0 4000, O0 4~00,00 5~00.00 800 o O0 ,500,00 ~OO .00 TOTAL Less Estim~te~ Receipts $30~ 100.00 o0.o0 Total ~ount to be Raised ~,iotion wa~ m~de,seconded and carried that a speeiA meeting be held ~ug.12,1966,from ? ~.M. to 10 k.~. for t~e ~urpo~e of submitting the above budget ~.o ~he t~p~ers of the District,and that the same be adver- tis d in the L.I.Tr~.~vele~ of July 28,1966. ~.~ar~ln ~uter~eorge Nlne,~,n~l W~ter Coutta were appoin'~d to serve as inspectors ef election on the above date,and motion was made, ~econded and car~ied theft the following Resolution be adoptedlResolved, that the m~mm elect:ton ~~e be p,~id the s.~,m of '~5.00 erich for their services. Mo~lon ~.~ stale,seconded ~nd carried that tb~. Co~is ~ionera be auth~ized to tbe~ the a~u~ meeting a~ dance of the Suffolk Fire Districts assn~ at Fleice~s,Patcho~e,N.Y.,an,i th, t ~ ticket~ put ch~ sed. ~;eetlng was ~dJou~ed at 9.~0 0.~.,on motion made,~econded ~nd c ~ tried. ' D oR .Olld~sl~ve ,See/