HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/27/1966~INUTES OF OOt'~:~ISSIONER,~ OF THE MATTITUCK FIRE: DISTRICT MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. May 27~1966. PI' eent~Oon=nlssloners . nr~.g,Tuthill~Prioe,~;iska,~-~nd Chudiak, za~',d ~"r'eas.Gilde~el~eve. Meet~ washeld ~ ~ ftPehouse,c~ lle~ ~-'~o~er by Ch~i~an ~nrig at 7.5~ P.~. ~inutes of t~:~e April meeting were read ~..nd ~ proved. The ~lowing bills were o~,ered paldtL.l.Fire Equip.Co. $25.50; L.I.~,~tlng Co. 24.97; S.P.~thill 175.57; ~ous' aerv.Bt~.45.65; ~o.Moisa ~ 87.25~ Tidewater Oil Co. 27.39; N.Y.Telephone Co. 26.75 & 44.35; Hulas ,:,~ Thomas 210.50; ~.V.Duryee 20.51 . co~unioation was z, eceive [ from See.martin Suter of the Fire Dept.,listing plans for Urills =nd ~'.~rades,:~s follows~ M~,y 30. M~ttituck l'~rade and Inspection. Town P~rade at Southold. July 2. orth Fork V.F.As~n. ~rill ~:nd Parade at Mhtttuck~ sponseed by the ~ titu~ Fi[,e ~ept. July 3. Parade at Wading River F.D. July 13, P~::,rsde and Bazaar at ~t tituck F.~. B~z~,ar July 1. -16,Inc July 26. Parade ~.~nd B,,zaar ~t J~m sport F.D, July ;~8. P~::rade at Greenport F.~, The letter ~lso ,,dy!sad that ~r.Vsl Stye had ,:.dviaed them there ~.,s s~fice~t coverage for the ~rill on July 2. ~ motion was m de, seconded and carried that the Fire Dept. be given pemntssion to participate in the aff~irs described A letter was receive from ~r.Bt~e that he had supplied coy rage for th~:~ July 2 event in th, ~ount of $300, 000/~0 .000 Bodily Injur~ ~nd $5000 Froperty D~:~mage with the ~{ome Insur~,nce Co.,policy 8r~73554. ~otion was made that the Property D~,m,:,ge old,use be inc,,eased to $25,O00~Mr. Anrig to see ~r.;~t~e. Motion was m~de,seconded ,nd c r:rrled that pe~ission by given to F~ther Bre~ to use t;he ~.F.D. sllve~are and old firehouse chairs at the m nual B~rbeque of the Church of O~ Lady of Good Counsel on July ~,Meeting was ad Journed ~.~t 8.~ P,E.~on motion made,seconded ~d ~arr~led · D. B. Gilds rsleeve, Bee,