HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/29/1966M~UTEs OF ~EFTING OF CO~.~ISSIONERS OF THE MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, N, Y, April 29,1966. Present~ Oemmissioners ~nrig,?uthlll, Price,Miska, and Ohuci~k, and Tr~ ks. Gildersleeve. ~eetin~ was ~d ~.t the ~rehouee,c~l~ed'to ~rder b~ C~i~n ~.nrig at 7.~ P.~. Minutes of the March 2~ a~ april 1~ meetings were r~ad and ap~rowed. Mo~ion was m~de,secon~e~ and carrie~ that the M~tituck Fl~ Department be pe~itted to hel~ its a~nual bazaar on J~y iS-1A-i~ 16,19~6 on the firehouse p~,rking let,with a parade .n the epen~ ~i~t, in accerd~ce with a request made in a letter fro~ Sec~ta~ MaPtin Surer. A letter was receiSe~i from Rich~ Olmsted,Chat~an, asking for pe~ission to held ~he a~ual p~rade ~d drill ef the North Fork Vol~teer Firemen's ~ssociation ~t M~ttituek on July 2,1966,u~ng the facilities of the Fire District. Motion ~as m~.~de,secended ~nd carrie~ t~t pe~ission be g~anted. The following bills were odered p~i~:Tidewater Oil $10.27 & l~JJ.36; Har~'s ~li $.~8; R~er~s Garage 62.B~; w.V.~ee 300.19; Sunrise Oil Sra. ~8.64; M~ttit~ck P.O. 30.~0; ~al V~.Stype ~.00~ H~nsen's Gauge ~.~; N.Y.Tel.Co. 26.7~ &~; L.I.Li~ting Co. 89.13 S~f. Ce.Fire Dist.Assn. l~.O0;Cassell G.M.Trk.S~ea Ce~. 1~2.~?. Quotations were ~ceived from Motorola Electronics & Oe~Ication C~. for installation of S portable radios,the ~eunt b~ ng $1~24.00. M.tien was m~de,s c~nded and c ~rried th~ the proposition be lai~ on t~e table,~d th~ the secreta~ ~v~ite ~*terela suggesting that they give a ~emcnstration ~n some f~tmre ~onday evening. ~fr.Mis~ reported t~at meech~dise he hsd been asked t~ purch~sed h~d been delivered. Chief~V~ R2s~ck asked pe~tssion to h~ld at the fire- h. use on J~e 21 a~ 2~,1~66,a fire police school,conducted by t~ S~felk Cou~ty police. Pe~ssien was granted,on motion m~de,se~nded ~ carried. ~ti~n was made,seconded and carried that the meeting be adjourned. ~.20 P.~. D.R. ~ilde tale eve, Sec.