HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/12/1966~INUTES OF MEFII NG OF C0~.:MIS~ 0NERS OF THE
April 12,1966. ~resent:Gommissioners Anrig,Tuthill,~rice,Miska and
Chudiak,,~nd Treas. GildersleeYe. . ·
· Special Meeting was held~ca~l~ to order b~ Ch~i~an
Anrig ~t ~ $.~8 F.~.
0n motion made,seconded ~nd carried,reading of the minutes
of t~e ~arch ~e~tlng were dispensed with until the re~l~ april meeting.
Bec.~rtin Surer of the ~ttit~ck Fire Dept. reported tn
a letter dated april 7,1966, thata the ~nual election held on that d~te,
the following n~natlons h~d been made:
Chief Engineer, Jack V.:~n Ryswyck.
First Asst.C.E. Jo~ ~ilcenskl
Second Asst.O.B~ Allan Dicke~son.
Motion was m~de~seconded ~,nd carried that the above nom-
inations be ~pprowed ~nd the nominees be a_pointed to these specific
The secret~ ~?as instructed to write to Supt. of Hl~w,~ya
R~ond ~n in regsrd to the condition of Pike Street,particul~rly th~1~
section in front of the firehouse,~.~sklng that l~,,provemr, nts ~nd ~p~irs
be m~de.
0n motion made,seconded ~-,nd ~arrled~the meeting was
adjourned ~ 7 P.M.
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