HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/25/1966M£tlUT~3 0Y M~TING OF THE 00,~aMI~SSI01~R8 OF T'r~E MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. ~arc~ 25,1966. Present~Oemmissioners ~nrig,Tuthill,Price,Miska,~,nd Chudi~.k auad Treas.Gildersleeve. Meeting held ~t the fire house ,e~lled't~ er~er by Ch~Ir- m~n ~nrig ~t 8.15 ~in~tes ef the Febr~a~ meeting were read and app~ved. T~e following bills were e~ered p~i~ Tidewater Oil CO. $19.~4;H~.nsen~ s Garage 26.00;L.I.Travele~ ZO.50;N.~.Telephene Ce. 45.15 & 26.75;H~lbre,lnc. 57.60; L.I.Li~ting Ce. 89.85;Geu.L.Pe~2 142.60~ Gee.L.Pe~y 89.~;~o~rt M.O,~lin 27.50;H~es ~ Thomas 46.~;Har~ Ohar~ow 22.50. Th,~ ~ecret~ry was inst~cted to ans'~er a lette~ from Robert H.Oulver,~ chitect,~ the effect theft the co~Issioners did not ish t~ ~o into the expense of his fees as outlined in his lette~. ~ letter was received from C.H.~'ic~;m asking that the firemen burn rubbt~ in b~,ck of the Historic~l Society building,~nd the secretary ',~as lnst~cted to write to Mr.Wic~sm thst the fireme~ ~ ,owing to complaints ,~:~bout smOke,etc.,would not do such bur~i~suggesting its removal. Motion was made,sounded and carried ~hat three (:'~) d~ chemical extin~ish~rs be purchased,Chas.Misk,~ ~,ppointe.~ to orde~ s~e. Co~asioner Price w~s ~ppointed to see the Co~rizani fi~ ~nd ~sk them to remove t~e s~nd f~m the firehouse lot. Plains were ~eived from H~old R.Reeve & Sons for the propos~d new firehouse. Their eskimo,_ted costs for two su~itted pl~%ns were $~,~00.00 a~ $~.0~.~ respectively,plus othe~ fees ~nd ch~rgea. ~otion was m~e,seco~ed ~ carried that the members of the M~;~,tti.tue~ Fire ~partmer. t be permitted to incorporate ~der the n~ of M~ttituok Fire Dep~rtment,Incorporated. The meetin~ was adjourned ~t 9.10 P.M.,on motion made,~ec- o~ed ~nd D,N .Gildersleeve, Sec.