HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/28/1966MATTITUCK FLEE: DISTRICT MATTITUCKo LONG ISLAND. N. Y. Jan.F. 8,1966. Present: Commissioners ~nrt~,Tuthil~,Price,Mtsk~,~nd Chuctia~,~nd Tr as.Oilder~,eeve. ~lso,~'r.Ll~o~hult~,' of t~e ~:o~'th Fork ~r:k. ~,~eeting was hel~i ,~t the ftrehouse,c,'lled to order by Ch~irm~ anrlg at 7.~ ~.~. F~.r.a~am~;,, Uipchult ~as ~,sked to expl:~In th~~ ben~fi'~s of tr,nsferring our C-pital lteseeve~ Funds from the inter~st ~ccounts Time ~posit-Open accosts. ~,fter ~nsidering the r, ro~::~osition,~,~otion m~de ,Dy ~;r.~i~ka, seconded b~ ~,~r.Chudtak,~~ ~animousl~ the ~olowlng Resolution be mdopt,:~d: Resolved that the amount of fr~ the O:pital ~eserve F~d for Firehouse, ~nd the ~o~t of from the C..pital i~,:~serve F~d for npparatus,be transferred to separate Time ~,~osit - Open ~e~ts of the s~,me n~es,these accosts to draw interest ~ ~pp~oxim~,tel~ 4.7O~,pa~able seml-annu:~lly. Lepo:~its to m~ture in six months,subject to ~emmaa~ renewal autom~t~ca]l~. T~ treasurer instructeu to tr~n~action at the oI'fice of the North Fork B~ ~ and Trust Company on ~'eb.l,l~66, said de~osits to be efI'ective that date. Minutes of the J~ nu::ry 6 meeting were read ~nd aproved. Tne l'ollewing bills were ordered p~id:E~mond Y.Nine $13.00; L.I.Travele~ 4a.85;N.Y.Teleph. ne Co. 6.7~;V~1%~.Stype 115~.00; Sidne~ Tuth~ll 8~2.71; Tid~.~,ater Oil Co. Z.77; De F~iest ~b.ee~ce 8.~0; ;~.V.~ryee ~0.94; J~.'.mes Oooper 8.~O;Geor~e G.Lessmrd 465.0~:. The tre: surer ~us instructed to pay the bill for fire wells after he h~ been ~iven an O.K. b~ a ~otion w~s m~:de,secon~'ied an,i carri, d that fha ~ttituck Fire Dep~rtment be pem~itted to hold ~ p~r~de snd drill tr ~tltutk JulyZ,1966, v~lth the ~n~erst~:ndin~ that the ]~epartment will c~rry an insur~nce policy as follows;Liability Property D~age ~,O00/t~lO0,O<:,O.O0. ~,~otion ~-s m~de ,seconded andc.~-~rried theft 4 mo~ts Scott ~ir P.~cks be purchased. i~otion was ~de~seconded and c .rrled that a floor polisher be purchased · ?~e meeting was adJourn~'d ~t 9 P.~. on motion re, de, secon~[eu =nd D. R .Gildersleeve, Sec.