HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/26/1966~'MXNUTE$ OF MEETING OF COMMI$$IONE~3 0F THE
Aug.26,1966. Present ~ Oomm[ssione~s An~[g~Tuthill~P~ice,F. iskaj ,~nd
~lnu~ee of ~he July ~e~lng we~ ~ad and ap~ved.
The ~ai~ x'epo~ted ~t i~te~ Oeutte ~ been un~ le to serve
as election lnspec~er on J~y 19~ that he had appointed Clarenoe ~.
Be~nett ~o t~c ~s place.
~cro~e~ ropOrted that at the ~peolal ~eeting held ~ul~
1~ for the ;~urpose of vottn~ on 2ho 1967 b~get,32 votes were cast,all Yes.
i~,o~ion w~s ~e,seco~ed and c~rrledth~ tho chairman be
authorized to sign a contr~c'~ wi~n t~e S~lk ~ty BOa~ of Elections for
use ef the firehouse as polling places on the following dates~at $~ rental
each ~ate. Registration:Oct.~ ~nd Oet.$~ Gene~ election Nov.~. ~ri~ry
~e 20 ~
M~tlon was m~de,seconde~ ~ carried that the following
mtien be adoptea~ Rcsolved~that the f, llewing bills be paid: T~dew~te~ Oil
Traveler 1~.~1; N.~.Telephene ~
~. m~.$8; W~V~ee 18~$1; Rtverhead Auto
Pa~ts 20.00; ~.Y. Aeze~hone C,. ~$.~$; Clarence R.Be~mett ~.O0;~a~tin
$.00SSeee~i~ 8~00; Harr~ G~Oharkow 112~; Art Olsen 8.00; Waltep
~A~O0. Motion was ma~e,sec~nded ~ ca~.ri~ that M~.Miaka be m theri~
ed t~ have th~~ outside of the firehoase $~mA painted. A.~$o that he e~e~
A fl~e hydr~t caps.
Mohion wa~ m~e,aec~ed ~ c~rried that ~ ne~ Fire Wells
be inatelled,locat~ona to be selected later. The ~ella a~e to $ inch wells,
and the gravel pack c~.amse that ham been included in previous apeelfieatl~ma,
la te ~ ~tte~. ~l~a are to ~ adv~rti~ed In th~ ~Newe-EewXew ~f ~iwe~he~,
~.Y.,a~ a~e to be opened ~t 7.~ P.~.f. at the re,slam mont~y meeting
Sept.~,l~6. ~or~: &s ~o be complete,1 on o~. befo~~ Dec.15~1966.
On action m~de,eeoonded a~tea~rled'~the me,tAng ess adjourned
D · R, Gild e~sleeve ,Gcc,