HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/06/1967MINUTES OF MF~TTING OF COMIS$IONERS OF THE MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. aN~':UAL OHGA~IZATION M~TING Jan.6, 1967. Present:Commissioners Anrig,Tuthill,Price,~'~Iska,~.nd Chudiak, and Tr~as. Gildersleeve. ~reas.Gildersleeve preslded~ for the el~etion of a chairman for the year 1~66. ~tto L.Anrig was nominated,sece~ed,a~ there being no other nomin~?tions,he ~as ~ieclared elected on ~ ~im~us veto. ~r.znrig took the c~air. ~as.rrice was chosen to ~ct ~s c~- m~ at any reg~a~ meeting t~at ~.Ir.Anrig was ~& le to ~ttend. The cormissioners appointe~ Donald R.Glldersleeve secreta~ fo~ the year 1967 ~t a ~lary of $450.00 pe~ year. On motion made,seconded ~nd carried the treasurer's flnancl~,l report ~d his ~port of receipts ~d disbursements were approved. T~ folowi~ Resolution was adopted, on motion made,seconded ~ carrled:R.~:.:solved, that the ~orth Fork Bs~ a~ '$'~at Company of ~'ttttuck, ~.Y.be n~med depoaito~ for the Fire ~strict monies for the yea~ 1967. Robert M.Conkl~n was ap ointe Ja~ttor for the year 1587, at a sala~ of $60.00 per month. The secreta~ produced all account books,p~.ld vouchers, chec~ book and cancelled checks,otc.as required by l~w,a~ sz~me were acknowledged by the co~is st oners. ~otion was 'made, seconded ~ca~ried,that of the balsnce of $~$6.49 In the General F~d ~t the close of the year l~68,the $45~.~ be tr~sfermed to the Oapit~ Sse~e F~d for Yi~ehouse. motion was mede,second.sd ~ndc arrl~th~t the following resolution be adopted: ~esolwed,that the foll~tng b~lls be paid~ D~ee $ 15.07; Ed's Co~lcatlon ~ervtce 3.40; Fly,men's Ass. St:~te of N.Y. 4.00; N.Y.Telephone Co. 43.4$;3~mtse Oi! Sra. ~0.60; Bhell Oil Co. The meeting, was adJou~ed at 8.00 P,N.,on motion ~de,eee~ed a~ carmied. Zrlor to adJour~ent,motion was made,seeo~ed ~at the reading of the December minutes be held owe~ ~til the re~la~ J~nua~ see ti~. D. R. Gildersleeve, Bec.