HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/27/1967~ ,HUTE8 OF' ME,F.~.[H0 0F C~I~':NIE,,,~[0HERS OF THE I~iA'I"FI'rUCK I"IRE: L.,IISTRICT MATTITUCK, LONG 18LAND, N, Y. Jan.27,19o7. ~resent:Co-~misssioers ~nrig,Tuthi].l,Price.,!~isk~,~nd ~hud~i;-!¢, and ~re~.Gi~dor~[eeve. ~;eetin~ wa~ held ht the firehouse,c~'~1ed to o'~der b~ Chai~sn Anrlg ~,t 7.30 ~.~. ~nutes of the Uecember :::~,1908 and the anuary 6,1~CV meetings were z~e~d a~d Motion '~as made,seconde,~, and ca~mied that fluoresce, hr be i~sta'll~,i In the lad~s' .room. 'fhe secretary was instructed to ~rite t. he ctorola C'mpany ~a~x~M askl~;~ th~.t their representative call in regard to the a (,paratus rece ~ve~.~ ~otlon ~as mada,~econded andcarried that the bill for flrewelle be p~t~. ;~otion ,'~aa made,~econd~d s~c arrled theft t~:> fo lOWI~tM Resol- utiom be ~,dopte~aesolved ,t~at the l'olAo,~ing bills be p~id~ ~94,35; Otto [.anrig 1.,[57; .b.I,L~F~t~.~M Go. 59.89; ~:alt,r L.D6~ 10.00; Rtverhead Sports ~enter M~.oO; E~ev~ Lbr.~ L.~:.Uo. 4.44; Sidney Tuth~ll 1021.97; vm.Peters ~63.25; ,~orth ~rk B nk 7.50; Harry Gharlow 138.00; Robt.~ .~onkllm ~'~r. ~lmka ;v?,s ~:otn2~,d to m~ke p~rchases of fl~re~ ~nd h~nd lt~ts,~lso z: rubber m~t for the co~ls~ioner'~ room. :orlon ~a~ t,~au~,seconde~ and carried ~h~t ~,glf~. f~.',m ~eo.L Penny of a portabAe foamite ta~ b~ ~cc~pted. '?n.:., meetlng~as adjo~ed ,.~t 8.15 P~.,on mO2ion made, ~eco~ed and carri~d.