HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/24/1967 THE MA..HuC. K I" IRE: UiSTRICT MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. Feb ·24,1967. Presnt: Commissioners Anrig,Price,Miska, and Chudiak, and Treas. Gild, fsi, eve. ~eettng ~asheld at the firehouse,called to order by Chairm~ Anrig at ~ ?.DO ~inutes of the J~ ~uary meeting were read and a~ Droved. Glob,Indemnity Com{~.any Bond $901D61,dated ;~/9/6~,krincipal, Donald H.Gildersleeve,Z~eas.M~tituck Fire District, ~o~t ~4000.O0,w~s approve~ by the co~ssioners. There was some ~iiscussion as to whether the principal ~ould be increased. ~/otlon was made,seconde~ andcarrie ~ theft the secret~ be authorized~ to interwiew ~.~r.Stype ~.nd m~ke z~ Increase s~oul~i be Dnou~t proper. ~,~otiOn was made,seconded ando aPPied that ~;P.~3isk~ be author~] zed to purohase stair treads for the firehouse st~' Charles Tyler was approved for membership In the Fire .~p~rtment,havin~ been fir~ a'~.proved by the Fire De~t.me~ber~ eo~tttee. The following b~lls ~ were rodered o~id: N,Y.Teleybo~e Co. $4~.88; Sunrise ~il St?. 88.~8; harry's Deli 1.86; W.V.Duryee Z~.~8; Gec. Poky,Inc. 178.04; T~dew~ter ,~ll Co. 1.78; Shell Oil Co. 14.18~ L.I.Fire mquip. Co. 98.00; Reeve Lbr.~ u~.V~.Co. B.EO; Val ¥~.Stypa ~c7. 18.00 & 118~.00; L.i.Li~ting Co. 88.71; D,E.Gil~ersleeve 2.18; Jos.~.~oisa Co.B~.78; hu~es & Thomas ~9~.~; Ray F.Ntne l~.80;walter L.Dohm 16.88; Otto L.a~ig The secretary was iustructed to write to the N.Y.Telephona Company regarding four false fi~'e ala~s during the past few weeks,considered to have been accidsnta!!~ caused by ~nstruction wor~.~u of the Teiepho~e Company. Tbs meetingm was adjourned at $.Z8 P.a.,on morio~ made ,seconde ed ~nd