HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/31/1967 )~INUTES OF N~:~TING OF 00~.~MIS~IONE!{S OF 'FI-IF, MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT ' MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. ~ar.31~1967. PresenttCo~i:~stoners Tuthtll,Price,~/sk~,,~ Chudiak, an~ Treas. Gildersle e~e. Ee~tinK was hal4 ~ the firehouse,called to order by Co~issioner ~rice,p~sidin~ ~ue to the illness of ~:r.anrig. .'~tnutes of the Feb~ary meetin~ we~ re~d a~ apprevea. ~o~ion ~as made,seconds4 ~n~ car~ie~ that the ~ecom~e~- ,~ions of insur~nce m[en~ ;al Btype be mcte,~ upon, thereby increa~inK the amount of the ~l'reasurer's suret~ bona from ~4000.c)C te ~98000.00 ~otion wms medes,seconAed and carried theft the followin~ resolution be ,~epted: ~eeol~e~,that the ~ek~m~m~xzcfelle~ing bills be palat S~felk Oo.Fire Die~s ~ssn. ~;~ 1~.00; N~Telephone ~. ~6.'g5 & 44/75; Shell Oil Co. Z8/05;Jos.~olaa 1~0.00; L.I.Li~n~ Co. ~8.96; LI.Fi~e Eq~ip. Co. 8~9B; Sunrise Oil Sra. 99.~0; Geo..Benny 1~.97; ~..i.Tr~eler 29.7~; L.I.Flre Equip.Co. 28.95t ~'m.P~bers 26.~ & ~.80; Jack Vt~n R~ 20.~; Rive~head ~porte Conte~ 9.50; H~ry C~kow Frank R~.~ynor was apt'~ve4 for membership in the ~ttltuck Fire ~ept.,having first been a~p~ved by ~he membership co~ittee of the D~partment. Chief J~ck V~:~n Rys,~ck personally thanked ~he board of cc~issionera fe~ its ce-operation d,~ring ~s two years in africa. A speci~,l meetin~ date was set for April lath for ~h~ purpose of ~ppolnted a new chief .~nd ,~ssist~nts. The meet~as ~dJourned at 8.50 ~:.~.,on mo~ion made, secon~ea anA carried.