HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/14/1967,~:INUTES OF ME~'TING OF 00~M SSIONERS OF THE 7%,/ ' April 14,1967. SPECI~L M~ETING,held for the appointment of chief ~d t,.vo asaistunt chi~fs of the ~t tituck Fire Department. Present:Commissioners Price,Tuthill,Miska an~ Churidk, and Treas.Gildersiee~e,~r.~rice presiding. ~ieeting was held ~,t the fi~"e~o~se,callod to or, er ht 7.30 P.~. X~a.~× ~ letter '~'~as read from F ~e ~ept.~ecret~ Sute~ statinE th.,t the Dep~tment at its annual election h~d m~de the following nomin~tions; For C~icf; Jc~ %~llcenskl First ~sst.Chigf; ~,llan Dickerson ~e~n4 As~t.Chlef$ J~m~s Cooper. ~fter a discussi,n of-the qualifications of the can~idates,motion~ were ~zdo,s~conded andc arried,in individ~l ~ncidents that t~e above be appointed to therespective offices,taking effect en April 19th,~.nd conti~ulng mzt~2z for a ter~ of one year. ~,dJournment was at 7.50 P.M.,on motion made, seconded and carried. D. R. Gildersleeve, Bec. 00'008'6Z:$ ............ pas!o~ aq m, ~unmu¥ ira, o/ O0'OOE ....................s~d!a~a~l pa~o~u!~s3 ssa'l 00'001'085 ................................................ IO~O± 00'00~ .................................... uo!~o~npH puo 6u!u!oJi 00'008 ................................................ sno~u~llaOS!~ O0'OOg ........................................................ suJJo~!uFI 00'00~'£ ........................................................ ~:)uo~nsul O0'OOCJ'lr ........................................................ Slle~ O0'O00'E ................ sn~.oJ:odd¥ JoJ. pun_-I ~A~as~j im,!doD 00'000'~' ................ asnoHaJ!-t Jo½ pun-t e^xasa~ io~!do:) 00'000'~ XpadoJd ~ §ulplln8 'SJfDde~ puo ~DUDUe~.U!I::)W 00'00§'8 ................................................ .Jua~ud!nb:J pud sn~oJodd¥ ~.0 SJ!Ode~] pud eDuoue~u]ow 00'00~'[~ ............ ~.ue~ud!nbq puo sn),DJodd¥ :[o eSDq3Jnd O0'OOC~'!. $ ............................................ sa6o/~ puo /UOlOS :§u!~ollol ami ~o &uaud,~od aH& Jo:l- pas!oJ aq o~ LUns p!os Z96[ ~o ~oaA IO3S!~ eqt Jo~ 00'00B'6~:$ ~.o ~uns aq~ u! '~JoA MeN '/q. unoD ~tlO~.~ns 'ploLHnos ½o UMO/ aq~ u! .~3!J,t$!C] aJ!J )I::)n.H.U.oW ~LI~. ~.o /~J~doJd alqoxm, ~H-~ uodn P~!^al ~q ×o~ o iioHS NOIJ. ISOd011~I