HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/20/1967 MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, N. Y.
June 20,1967. SPECIAL MEETINg.
Present ;Commissioners Chas. ~.Price 3~, Chas.Misk~, William Chudiak,
and Irwin A.Tuthill. Absent,Otto L.Anrig,due to illm~ss.
~artin Suter was a.i~olnted to act as secretary owing to the
ab~.ence of Sec.Oi!dersleeve.
On motion made,seconded and carried, the following Resolution
was adopted:
Whereas,the Board of Fire Commissioners deens it necessary
for the best interests of the district to erect an addition to the present
firehouse on the southwest corner of Pike Street ~ud Wickham Avenue within
the district.
Whereas,at the present time,there is a balance of
in a Capital Reserve Fund for Firehouse estd~ lished by this Board on June
~0,1980 for the purpose of the erection of a new firehouse building of an
addition to the present,
Resolved,that the Board of Fi~e Commissioners expend from
the M~ tituck Fire District Capital Reserve Fund for Firehouse,a sum not
to exceed $~O,000.00 for the cost of construction of an addition to the
present firehouse on Aistric~ owned property at t~e southwest corner of
Pike Street and Wickham Avenue in the distric~ used as a firehouse site,
and that this ~esolution be sub ~ect to a permissive referendum.
Voting in fact of the foregoing r~.~solution were; Commissioners
Chas.A.Price ~rd,Charles Miska,William Chu~iak and Irwin A.Tuthill, The
resolution was unanimously carried.
There being no .~rther buslness~the meeting was ~dJourned.
~artin Suter,~ctin~ Sec.