HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/30/1967MINUTES OF ME~INH OF 00~MIS~ONER8 OF THE MATTITUCK !' IR£ ; ~ MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. J~me 30,1967. Present:0ommlssioners Prioe,Tuthill,Miska, and 0hudiak, and Tr as.Hildersleeve, J~ Meeting washeld at the firehouse,c~lled to o~er by Acti~ Chai~an ~rice at 7 P.M. Minutes of the May 26 meeting ~ and a special meeting of June 20 were read and ap~ ~ved~ The following bills were ordered paid:N.Y.Telephone $4~.~ & 2~.~8; W.V.~ryee 20.19 & 41.8~; Shell Oil Co. lS.84; L.I.Li~ting Co. ~.~0; H~ble Oil & Rfg. Co. 9,92; Post Office Dept. 5.~0; J.Moisa 20S.44; Riverhead sure Parts 4.00; R~bert Co~lin 9.00. The subject ~ fire wells followed. Motion ~as made, seco~ed ~d carried that t~ee new wells be installed. Motion was made, seco~ed a~ carried t~t the secreta~ write to the Mattituck School ~ard of District 9 for pe~ission to install a well on the schoolhouse property on MarratooXa Lake,also for pe~ission to hook up ~k four.nob pipe,which r~As ~der Hi.way Route 25,wlth necessary threads,etc, so th~ It may be used ~c with the proposed ~rewell. Other sites selected were ~ one near the corner of Aldrich Lsne ~d the M~in Road,Laurel; oneon Bray Avenue. Motion was made,seconded andcarried that an advertis~ent for bids for the firew~lls be placed in the Traveler-Watc~ of ~outhold ~d the News-~vie~ of Riverhead of July 6. Said bids to be received before 7 ~.M. Jul2 ~ 28,1967. Work to be accomplished by Dec.15,1967. The spec- ifications to be the s~e as those used in 196~,except tha~~axeapxzxz it be stip~ated that a brass cap be used with brass ferule. M~tion was ~de,seco~ed and carried that the in the Mattituck Fire Department be opened to allow the accept~ce of not over six firemen. Mr~rice ~o~ced that the fi~ of Donald ~ia ~aec- iatea had been engaged bY the building p~oJect co~tee aa architects, snd th~ Martin Suter had been appointed secreta~ of the building project co. tree. Motion was m~e,seconded ~d carried that a budget for the year 19~8 in the smoot ofd$29,800.00 be ~dopted ~nd t~ a propositi.n be su~itted to the taxpsyera of the fire ~istrict hexam~a~ o~, Tueaday,aug.18,1~7 between t~ hours of 7 P.M. ~d 10 P.M.,~d t~ notice of the speci~ meeting be plac~ In t~ Traveler-W~ c~an of July Ma~tln Suter,~eorge Nine and W~ter Courts we~ ~pointed to serve as inspectors of election on the · ore date,the following resoluti~ be adopted;Resolved that the inspectors of e~ection on Aug.18 be paid $5.00 each for their services. Clarence ~e~ett ~.~'as ,~:pointed alternate in event that one of the inspectors Is ~ le to serve. The itemized proposed budget is on sheet 2 of these minutes. and carried. The meeting was adjourned at 0 ~.N.,on motion made,seconded D .R. Gilds rs leers, Sec, MINUTES OF MEETING OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. Budget for 1968. Salar2 & Wages ~ ............ Purchase of ApRaratus & Equipment Maintenance · Repair of Apparatus : Equipment Maintenance & ~epair,Buildings & Property Capital Reserve Fund for Firehouse Oapital Reserve Fund for Apparatus Fire Wells Insurance Uniforms Miscellaneous Training & ~ducation $1~00.00 3~00.00 §000.00 4000. O0 3000. O0 4500.00 800.00 300.00 500.00 Total ,?~,, ~ 100.00 Less ~stimated Hecaipts 300.00 & Total Amount to be Raised ~29,800.00 SHER~ 2. D. R. Gilder s lee ye, Sec.