HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/28/1967 ~, · MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT
~ly 28, 1967. P~esen~ Co~issione~s P~ice, ~thill,~[ska, ~(1 ~udiak~ and
T-ess. Gild.~raloevo, Mr. ~rtco pre siding.
Meeting called to order at ?.o~, P,~.,at which time Mt. Price
asked for the reading of the fire well bids,which were as follows:
Long Island Well ~rille~-s, inc.,Mind, die Island,N.Y.
~id for 3 wells '~4425.00. ,2xtra Depth '~10.00 'oer foot. More Screen A40.,O per
fcot. Change of location '~18.00 oer hm~r. Oertlfied Cheek enclosed ~225.00
Jos. J.Kret~r, Rtverhead,~f.Y. ~3900.00. ~xtra Depth
~er foot. ~ore scree~ '~34.50 per foot. ~~ of location ~15.00 per hour.
Certt~ied ~eek ~200.~
~eotune Well ~ ~mp Co. ~ 2828 G~and Av,~.,~llmore,N.Y,
~4125.00. ~tra Depth AIO. O0 ocr foot. Me~e Sc~e~ ~.00 pe~ foot. ~ange
of Locatioa ~1~.00 ocr hour. Certified ~eck ~210.00
Born ~ell Drillers, ~le ~e,~attituck,~.Y. ~2~.00.
~tra ~pth Ag.00 per f~ot. ~ore Screen ~55.00 ~ e~ fOOt. Ce~t.~ec~
~fot~on was maas, seconded and ca~ried that the bir~ of Jos.
J. Ereiger be acceDted.
T'~e minutes of t~e J--'e meeting were read a~d aDpx'ove~.
· he secretar~ r~:,ad a letter from Wm. Lteberk~echt of the
Mattituck ~i~ School that the ~oard of Educ ~tton ha~ grar~te~ pe~las~on
for the F~re Dtat~ct to i~atall fire well In the orooe~ty nea~ ~ar~atooka
Lake,and also to use the four t~c~ p~De ~n conneetlon wtt~ $~e.
Motion made, seconded and ca,ted that the secretary a1~ an
greement with the Suffolk Oo,mty Poa~ of glections te give them use ef the
Irehouae for ~g[stratiom, p~[ma~ an~ e]ectio~ purposes em the following
dates Oct.?, Oct.9,~ov.?,196?,an~ Jnn~ 18,1968.
~e a~c~ta~ ~¥as i~s~r~cted to w~ite a lette~ of thanks to
~ob~.~.~lver,~estham~ton ~ach, N.~. for i~te,"est a~ d[sc~salon of ~lana
for the ~ono,e~ new firehouee,an~ to a~Ae him that anothe~ a~chiteet had
be~n ~leeete~.
~ot[on was m~de, seconded ~ carried that the che~k
~6(~5.60 whcih has be~n ~e~d un s~nce D~c. 24,1966, be released and sent to
~ e ~oto~ola Company.
~r.~iska was a~thorized to purchase one or more bull hor~'~s.
~e following bills were oPde~ed ~aid: L.~.FiPe ~quip. Co.
~95.20; L.I.Traveler 12.18 ~ 23.~1; Lou's Service Sra. 2.50; ~ell Oil Co.
11.60; N.Y.~elephone Co. 43.60;& 26.78; Harry's ~1~ ~.58; Hansen's Garage
46.o5; ~c's Co~nnlcat~on Service 180.~.~0; ~[~Ble 0~1 ~ ~ef~.Co. 8.46; L.~.
Itghttng Co. 53.~8. News-Review ~b. Co. ~.47. (~ot~on ~ad been made,seconeed
anc carries that th~ roilowtng '~esolut~.on be adonte~'~; ~esolved,that the
i~ bills be pai~; )
~he meetlr, g w~a adJonrned at ~.10 P.~%.on motion
ma~e,3econ~ed ~d carried.
i.). R. Gtl~e~sleeve, Bec.