HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/25/1967 ~'~IBUTES OF ~EETING OF CO;}~ISSIOEERS OF THE
~, ,~,,e MATTITUCK, LONG 18LAND, N. Y.
Au~.25,1967. ~csen~Co~iss~one~s ~ee~Tuth111,~tska,~d Chu~ldk, and
Tre es. O~ldersle ye. ,~r .~r~ce, pre sidlng.
m~e~ ~ln~es of the J~y Z8 meetin~ mere read and approved.
The following bills were ordered pa~d,b~ Resolution adopted.
~alter L.~ 8.f~; Val W.Stype agency ;~&9.O0; H~ble Oil & aef.Co. ~.4~;
~ter Coutta~&.Ou; ~artln surer ~.00; ~eor&e Nine 8.00; Donald De~is
es lO~O.O0.
T~e sec~ta~ repomted on the special ~eeting held
to ~ote the 19~8 bud&et. S9 ~otes ~.~ere polle~,~l "Yes".
It '~as moved, seconded and carried that bids be suppl~ed
for fuel oil for the fi~houaes for the peri~ Oct. ~,1~8~ to
s~e to be received on or before ~ ~.~. S~ptembe~ Zg,198T. Notices to be
mailed to local demle~s,R.L.~rgen, Eckert Oil Service and North Fork Oil
n at,
ap~:~oved for ~mbe~shlp tn the ~tu~ Fire ~partment,h~in~ ftrst been
a~proved by the g.F.D, m~mbership co~itteel also th~ the membership be
again ~ osed.
:~r.i?}iska was authrotzed to purchase two ( ) ne~ flo~li~ts.
The meetin& ~as adjourned at T.88 ?
seconded ~ ca,tied.
D.R ~ Oildersl eeve,Sec.