HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/29/1967 MINUTEs OF.~E!~TING OF-GOMI&ISSIONERS OF THE ,~' ) ,, MATTITUCK ~IRE UISTRICT % ~ MATTITUCK, LONG 18LAND~ N. M, &ep[ .29~ ~967. P~esent~ Co~issione~e An~i~,Tuthill,~;tsku, and Ch~lak~ '~'reas .Gildersleeve k~a~em~z~m~s~zmem~zmzx The commissioners were ~appy to wel- come back ~r.An~ig ~ter his long stay at t~e hospital. ~eotin~ was held at the firehomse,~n~ called to order by Ch~i~ ~rig at ~inutes of t~e Au g~st ~:~eeting were reda a~d ~ ~ ~ed. The bids for fmel oil for the firehouses v~re opened and r ad, the supply period ~Ing from 0ct.1,1587 to 0ct.l,l~88. ~id irom Ec~ert Oil Service, $.1~ S/lo P~R G~L. ; Rob~'~rt L.Bergen $.1~ per gal. It ~s moved seceded ~d carried that ~ne bid of Robert L.Bergen be accepted. The three new ftr~e wells wer'e ~eported c~leted; one on Bray Avenue,eno on Aldrich Lane,one on the 7~ttituck Hi~ S~ ecl [orlOn was cmde,seconded ~d carried that the treasurer check wit~ ?~tty. ~m.v:lc~am regarding pa~ent to architects Do~ald ~nis Associates of ~l~OO~(~O~which ~ms m~de from the gene~al fuod; whether or not arrangements could be made to have this amo~t t~a~ sferred from ~the C~oital Rese~e Fund for Firehouse to the general fund. ',)"he treasurer ro orted that he h~d made arra~:.~ements for tire Firehouse Fund Time ~eposit ccou~t to be closed when it ~atuTes on or ~bout 05 .Slst, a~ ~.lece~ in an. w checking ~.cco~t; also th~ the ~orth Fork Bank hod' st-.te~ that ?~nen the Cap.Rese?ve ::,"~d for ~?paratus matured they mi~t w~.sh to charEo I~ro the Time Dci~:.ostt Open A8S~ ~0 Time De..osit Certificate. ~e had also mrranged for a :~ithdraw~l from the Firehouse interest ~Cc~t to t~e new checking account~ The following bills were ordered p~,id, !.n~ fo,~lo'?ing ResolutiOn being adopted on motion made,seconded and carried: Resolved,that the follo~ing bills be' paid~ N.E.Telephone Co. ~i;!44.95 & 6.75; L.I.T~mvel~r 9.00 ~ ~5.40; L.~. Lighting Co. 57.$?; Harry Charkow l~.O0; Humble Oil ~ Ref.Co.' ~8.49; Jos.J.~retger, inc (Fire ~elis) 4E15.00S ~'.V.Dur~ee 15.15. Chief John ¥~llcens~t asked permission for use of the fire house parking lot for ~ field day to be held Octob~?r 8,1967,a~,~.proxtmate hours ro~ i P.~ ,to 5 P .~i. ' ~;iotion was made,seconded and carried that the meetin~ be adjourned at ?.35 2.~.,and reopened at 8 P.~. for the memsiammz~e~zx readinE of Fire House bids. ~.H.Gildersleeve,Treas. , ,~ MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, N, Y. Continuation of meeting of Sept.29,1967. Anrig Th~ meeting was ca,led to order by Chairman at '8.00 P.~.,same ~.embers present. ~r~Anrig ordered the bids to be openeq and re~. ~ids were received as follows: GE~R~L CONS~[~OT!ON. ~IDD~RS: aUriga Building Corp. 1411 Newbridge Road,North Bel~ore,N.Y. llVlO. Jo~ C,'~c ~on, Inc. Z96 Orinoco Drive~ Brig~twaters,E.Y. ll~18 So,eider ~d De Lettera Box ~4, ~orville,N.Y. Gerleen Contracting Corp. ~7 Bay Avenue, ~ort,~.~.Y. 11705 ~a~ld R.Reeve Sons,inc. ~b~ttttuc~,N.Y. Fr~ ~:~ow~ Construction Co.,Inc. P.O.Box 424, ~ort Jefferson Statlon,~.~.Y. Jo~ ~.~o~g Gen~ .~al Contractors, inc.,141Z ~onta~ Mid, way,East Patcho~e, ~ .~, , PLU~IBIN6. BIDDERS: L.~ J. ?l~ubing ~ Heating Co. 240 '~est Hoffman ~ve.,LindenhUrst,N.Y. ~;~ech~nic~l Inst~.llation Service, 94 - lO ~.oodhaven Blvd., Ozone Park,N.Y. Corp. 11418 ~ATIi~G. ~iDDMES: Mechanical Installation Service Oorp. 94 - 1~ ~em~xAaf~w~zxA~exSxxxxx ~mAmm~mxs~$~Mmxx ~A - 10 ~oodhaven Blvd., Ozone Park, N.Y. 11~18 Olim~ ic ~echanical Contracting, Inc. ~'.O.Box 188, Smithtcwn, N.Y. I1787 ELECTRICAL. BIDDERS: Schlmeyer Electrical Construction Co.,Xnc. 125 ~lorida St.,FaPmingdale, N.Y. J.~.Potak Co.,Inc. 50~8 Sunrise Highway, Oakdale,W.¥. 11769. Bids from the above contractors are listed on a s~,parate sheet,~poended hereto. .~otion was made,seconded and carried that bid bonds of four of the highest bidders be returned to them,mamely: John A.~Oung General contract- ors, FranX A~owak Const.Co.,H~rold R.Reeve Sons, ~nd Auriga Bldg. Corp. ~otion was made,seconded and carried that a special meeting be held Saturday, October l~th at t~.e firehouse at 2 P.~. to consider the rem~ inder of the bids. The meeting ~as adjourned at 9.~0 P ~ ..~.,on mohion made,seconded and c arried.