HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/14/1967~.,~T~ OF S?ECIAL ~.(~.:ETIEG OF' c'O~.~ISSIONF~.RS OF
Oct.14,1967 (Saturday) Pre sent: Oomm[ s sioners Anrig, Tuthill, Price,Miska, and
Chmdiak, and reas.Gildersleeve..
meeting held at the firehouse,called to order by Chal~nan anrig at 2.20
motion v~as mad,eecOnded ~nd carried that the reading of t'he ~e~ Sept.~O
m 29th meeting be d~s~ensed ~Ith.
~iotion was m~de,seconded ~and carried theft the ~ llowtng ~esolution be
adopted; Resolve~,that tho follov~ing bills be paid.: Donald a.~ennis
Associ~ res ~260u.O0 (This to be paid from Caplt~ Heserve Fund'for Fi~house).
Othe~ lte~ns to be p~
~' 2,25; N.Y.
Telephone Co. ~4.~0; E.L.B~en 118.94; M~ ttituck Plb~.Supply Co. SO.81;
Hen~ E.Bertr~ ~: Son 108.$0; H~nsen's Garage 164.68; L.I.Li~ting Co. ~7.40.
~ fter ~nsidering the bids for firehouse construction,etc.,the folowlna
motion was .~ade by ~:;r.Priee,seconded by Mr.~iska,and ~animously carri~'dl
Resolved,that ~¥e accept the lowest bids, s follows:
General Const~etion: Oe~leen Contracti. ng Corp. ~5~O0.O0,plus ~ilternate
No.1 (~?lok):~:~O0.O0. Total :~61,600.00
Pl~bing: ~eohanioal Installation service Co~p, ~% 4180.00
Heating: Cl~tio
Electrical: So~eyer Electrical Construction Co.,Inc. $ ~994.00
Total,All Contractors, $ 80,964.0C).
Commissioner Price,who is moving to Florida, submit2ed'his resignation, to
beco~e effective s o~~ J~n.l~1968.
Onmotion,~aade,second.~d ~nd cad.tied,the meeting *as'adjourned at ~ P.H.
~iote= Bic~s we~:e taXen by
~chitect Denis.