HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/27/1967 ~ ' MATTITUCK FIRE UISTRICT - . ~..
0c~.~7, 1967. P~eaent = Co--ss[one.s an~1~,Tuth~ll,~leka~ ~d Ohudla~,
and TPeas.G[lde~sleeve.
· ~eeting ~asheld at the' firehouse,called to order by Chal~n ~nrlK at
7 .(~ ? .,~'~.
~ln~tes of the Se,ct.Z9 ~nd oCt.14 :~,eetin~s '~re read ~nd ap!'roved.
2~a ~.ot~ on ~vas ~ad~,seconGed ~ carried that the fo~lowin~ ~solution
b~ . dopted:Eesolve~,tnat the fe[lowlnE bills be D~.id: ~umble Oil ~ Ref.
Co. ~j ~4.~1; ~?.~.Telephone Go. 26.7~; Geo. L.2enny~Inc, ~.46; S.B.~Ood-
h~ll 4.00.
,. letter w~$ Vecolve fr~r~ Joan and Hay ~o~:tni~thanl~inc the
for use of th~ firehouse lot for ~ cur wash by the younK people of
i~rosbyte~'l~ Church.
~otion /~a m~e,~eco~ed ~d cerried t.h~t the ~tt~tuck P~.rk ~t'st~ict
hi, ye t~ use of t~e F~rehouse fo~ ~n election on l~ov.l~.,from 7 P.~';. to
i~otion.~s maOe,.:econded and carried that' 550 .feet of 2 1/2 inch fire
hose be purchased. ~\'~ .~,~isk ,~as ,?pointed to make the purchase,~lso to
purchase 2 2 1/2 inch adapters. '
Chief ~llcenski ~sked permission to ta~(e the ~;o 1 fire truck to ~. phank
for training purposes on i~ov. Zg. S me .~as. Krante ,on motion m~de,seconde~
and carried, ..
Commissioner Chudiak's term ,~xpi.?es D~:~c.S1,1967. ;oti..:n w~S made,seconded
and carried that the election fo~, ~ co-~mis~.~ioner be held at the firehouse
Tuesday Dec.5~1967,from 7 P 13/;.t~ 10 P.. ' The Secretary ,~vas instructed
to publish the req~red notice in the L.i.Travelee of
or~er 2~ ballots al%er c~dldate's peti$ion (s) be filed.
~,artin SuteP~GeoP~e A~lne ~.nd Waltep Oo~tts ~ere
inspsctors of ~l~ction on ~ec.5. The
~e~olve~,that the i~.~pectors of election on Dec.$ be ~id ~$.00 ea~ for
their services.
of At~l.~m.~'~o~ on %%ednesday evening, if =~ge~ents ~uld be-mad~e.
Co~lssioners 1aka ~nd ~e~ Oh~l, k ~,vere a.~.~potnted to m~e lnqul~ies
about a ne~ fire truck.
;;r..~'iska was ai~pointed to t'~ke care of the matter of chan~.~ing the
location of~the pole om. the fire.house lot. (The pole that' s'u~:ports the
fire siren.'
The meeting was ad'Journe~ at B 18 P om motiOn made,second-ted nd
carried. ' ' '' '