HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/30/1968J~UT~$ 0~* I~EETI~IG 0F 00;~'iMI3;3ZOJ~ERS OF TB~ MATTITUCK FIRE D~$TRICT MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND. N. Y. 11952 July ~0,1968. SPECIAL U~TING,held at the firehouse,called to order by Chairman Present~ Bou~ton~ ~d [~nutes of the June Z8 meeting end the Ju~y ~6 meeting were read &nd approved. ~ b~ll from ~otor&la for work ~.~ ~96'7 ~$ presented~a~d on ~otion m~e,~'~ec~nded ~nd c~rrted,ssme w~s l~td on ~he The secretary ,,vas ~'nstructed to write the L.I.Li,~hting Company,,,skln~ them to ~iscont~a~ue ~s x~rmme service ~t the firehouse. Motion was mado~seoondod a~li carried to advertise for bXds for a 750 ~lon pulped, to be p~ld f~om the Capital ~eserve Fund for apparatus,not to exceed $~0,000.00. Adw, rtisem~:nts to be pieced in the L.I.Tr~vel~r and the ~ews-HevXew; dates for bids to be opened, Aug.31,1968. The secretary wes instructed to have'.'Atty. Wickhamdraw up the prope~ advertisement for the bids. i.~otion was =:~de,aeconded and carried thst the partition between the ~ltche~ ~nd t~e bo~ler room be take, out. Motion was m~.de,seconded and ca.rled that six (6) oopiea of the Book of F£~e L~c ,~)e ordered. The m®etin~ was adjourned at 8.15 P.~.,on motion made, seconded ~nd carried. D.~.Gilder~leeve, See.