HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/17/1972July 17, 19722
' ~ ~eettng of Board of Commissioners was held
at Commissioner Reeve's office with all Commis-
sioners present with the exception of ~r. Frank
The minutes of the last meeting were read
and approved.
The Treasurer's report was readand approved
Budget Acc cunt
Gravel Account
Reserve Fund
5,3 8.38
$ 35,250.00
The following bills were approved, for
G.L.Penny Gen. $ 196.31
N.Y. Telephone" 27.55
Tryac 3-49
Fleming " 129.95
North Fork Bank" 3.00
R & S Hardware" 314.62
Krause " 15-90
Krause " 56.?0
~ttltuck Auto" 47.20
Stype " 538.00
L.I.Llght " 351.25
T. Reeve " 651.00
Dtllingham " 80.00
Disenburg " 76.50
Wells " 105.00
Dtllingham " 120.00
Dllltngham " 100.00
Dram " 135.00
Karpow " 5?.60
Wells " 2110.00
Muir " 150.00
Dillingham " 100.00
~r. Bergen reported that ~r. Eurphy dis-
~'cu~sed the patrol of the park sites with the
Phillips Investigation Service and the Service
is to close the Breakwater concession each
night between 9 and 9830 P.M. in addition to
regular patrol.
A representative of the Audobon Society
reported that they would liketo show movies
on bird life at the Scouters Lodge on July 19th.
~,lr. Russell Nineis aware of this but said the
CommiSsioners should also be consulted. The
Commissioners gave their approval and reporteA
the same to Mr. Phillips of the Investigation
Service so he was also aware.
The following budget for 1973 has been
provosed. Voting to be held Thursday, August
10 at the i~attituck Firehouse, Pike Street,
Mattituck fron 7 to 9 P.M.
Retlx~;ment on bonds
Interest on
Insurance on Holdings
Treasurer' s Salary
Sec~ta~' s S~s~y
Life Gu~ds at ~y ~d Sound
~g~ Fees
~alnten~ce of Park Sites
Immurements to Park Sites
Legal Notices & Printing
Cmst~l~ Services
$ 3,000.00
420 · 00
35o. oo
750. oo
8,500 · 00
Appropriation from Gravel Fun.d 2~500.00
Amoo~ut to be raised by Taxes -~i~37,920.00
A letter from a Fello~ship Group was read
asking permission to use ~;e.~orial Park for a
servtoe of so~.~e ty!~)e. The Co~m~isslone~ ag~ed
~ as long as ~'~r. ~use kne~ the exit date
~d time of the meeting.
~eetlng Ad Journed.