HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/2010October 07, 2010
To: Town Board
Fr: Phillip Beltz
Revised and updated Town’s affordable housing policies and procedures.
Met with four candidates interested in purchasing the resale unit of the
Cottages of Mattituck, one rescinded due to lack of down payment the three
others will take home buyer education classes at CDCLI.
Facilitated Housing Advisory Commission along with dissemination of
Facilitated Youth Bureau (YB) board meeting along with dissemination of
Facilitated Youth Advisory Council (YAC) meeting along with dissemination of
Continued planning with Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center for high
school students’ training of Anti-Bias Education day.
Loss Control Program and Executive Safety Committee:
Meeting with Jen Andaloro regarding development of standards for PESH
compliance and exposure control plan.
Workplace Violence Prevention:
Meeting with Martin Finnegan and Jen Andaloro regarding attendance and
enforcement of workplace violence prevention training.
Comprehensive Plan:
Two meetings – one with Bill Cremmers to review revised draft of Economic
Chapter and development of recommendations. Other meeting consisted of
team review and recommendations to Nelson Pope Voorhis regarding
Economic Chapter.
Community Development Block Grant:
With Supervisor and Jim McMahon met with housing and human service
providers to discuss process for applying for CDBG funds and public
hearing. Also discussed expectations for documentation of outcomes of
services rendered for CDBG funding and request for data and information
for Human Services chapter of Comprehensive Plan.
Continued processing voucher payments for vendors with outstanding
Meeting with CAST board member and newly hired director to discuss
program objectives.
With Jim McMahon, meeting with North Fork Housing Alliance to discuss
Home Improvement Program spending and program outcomes.
Assisted with coordination of Deer Management meeting.
With Ken Reeves, interviewed applicants for Recreation Department part-time
clerk position.
Met with Superintendent David Gamberg for exploratory discussion of grant
submission to the Musser Foundation for intergenerational initiative.
Assisted with coordination of Suffolk County Department of Labor pilot
program for unemployed Town residents.