HomeMy WebLinkAboutTuthill, Irwin AConstitutional Oath SUFFOLK COUNTY SS: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD k-...':.~].~..%.'.~.f:..,,.(,,//..'. ..... ;Z~ ........... do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the S~te of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of ..~~ ........... ..., .... ....... ~ccordin~ to the best rectly or indirectly poid, offered or p~omised to poy, contributed, or offerod or promised to contribute, ony money or other voluoble thin~ as o considerotion or reword for the Oivin~ or withholdin~ o vote ot the election ot which I wos elected to sold office, ond have not mode any promise to influence the ~ivin9 ~thholdino ony such vote. Sworn before me this.~...d~y ..... .~ .... .~,.. ............... ~.~ ........................ · , Constitutional Oath SUFFOLK COUNTY SS: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ ................... do solemnly sweor that I will support the Constitution of the United Stores ond the. Constitution of the Store of New York, ond thor c¢cording to the best of my obility; ond ~ do further solemnly sweor thor I hovo not di- rectly or indirectly poid, offered or promised to poy, contributed, or offered or promised to contributo, ony money or other voluoble rhino as o considerotion or rew~rd for tho Oivin~ or withholdin~ o~ voto ~t the eloction ~t ~h I wos elected to soid office, ~nd not mode ~ny promise to influonco the Oivin~:~withholdin~; ony such voto. · ............... Sworn before me this.~ ..... day of .~~ ........... 19.~ ............ .