HomeMy WebLinkAbout19693,000- ~0/68 ~' FOR AUDIT AND CONTROL USE Report Year Col. I- :2 ;~.'.~:;.~. County No. Col. 3- 4 Class Col. S- 6 :;:~',~:.;.~,i I I Town No. Col. 7- 9 District No. Col. 10-12 Control (X) Coh 13 STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT'~AND'CONTROL DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS ALBANY, NEW YORK ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 196 NAME OF DISTRICT .. 7" ~t C /~' //~ / '~' ~"R / C 7"' IN THE TOWN OR TOWNS OF COUNTY OF THE DIST~R[CT IS GOVERNED BY: (Check one) /l~%J Separate Board of Fire Commissioners or [] Town Board AUTHORIZATION Article 3, Section 30 of the General Municipal Law "1. *** every *** fire *** district *** shall annually make a report of its financial condition to the comptroller. Such report shall be made by ~the *** treasurer of each fire *** district ***. 5. All reports shall be certified by the officer making the same and shall be filed with the comptroller within sixty days after the close of the fiscal year of such *** district ***. Every such officer shall also, within sixty days after the expiration of his term of office, or his resignation or removal therefrom, make a report to the comptroller of the financial condition of such *** district *** on the date of the expiration of his term of office, or his resignation or removal from office, as the case may be. The refusal or'wilful neglect.of such officer to file a report as herein prescribed shall be a misdemeanor and subject the financial officer so refusing or neglecting to a penalty of five dollars per day for each day's delay beyond the sixty days to be paid on de- mand of the comptroller." CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER j~/ ~' certify that I am the Treasurer of TT I T'~ (P'lea~e Print Or Type) Fire District and that the following report is a true and correct statement of the financial transactions of such Fire District for the year ended December 31, 196~ Signatur~/,~r Dated ~AN, ~ , , IC~. P.O. Addre ,t ' .~ ,CHAIRMAN OF THE BOAPxD~ GENERAL FUND A20 A30 A40 A5 I A52 A53 A54~ A55 A59 RECEIpT~' A]qD ~EGINNING BALANCE Al0 Real Property Taxes (must agree with Total Tax Computation on page Other Revenues: State Aid for Loss in Railroad Tax Revenue ........ $ Federal Aid for Civil Defense .............................. Charges for Fire Protection, Other Services .......... Interest, Earnings on Dep,osits and Investments Re. s .............. ' .......... ___ 0 O Sale of Equipment' . ................................................. Gifts arid Donations ............................................... Refunds of Expenses ............................................ I ~ihliscellaneous Revenues (specify) Total Other Revenues ........................................................(0071) Notes Issued: A64 Budget .................................................................... $ A65 Tax Anticipation ............ ........................................ A66 'Revenue Anticipation %~ i"fi ~'~;~"i ~'~',','~i'"'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' .................................................. (0o9~) A81 Transfer from Capital Fund .~ ....... ~ ............... $. A82 Transfer fr~Reserve Fund Total~ Irransfers .................................................................. (0121) Sale of Investments ................................. ; .............................................................................. Total Receipts .............................................................................................................. Balance at Beginning of Year .................................................................................... (0131) Total Receipts and Balance .............................................................................. (0141) PAYMENTS AND ENDING BALANCE Current Expenses: Personal Services .................................................. $ · ~ _ · (;ontractual and Other Expenses ............................ ~ H~d r~,n{~'Rerrta I ...................................................... Fire Department or Company Services .................. Fire Protection ...................................................... ~ Claims ............................................ State Retirement System ........................................ Police and Fire Retirement System ...................... Workmen's Compensation Insurance ...................... t ,3. Social Security ...................................................... Medical, Surgical and Hospital Care ...................... Blanket Accident Insurance .................................. Total Current Expenses ...................................................... Equipment .................................................................................................................. Debt Service: Interest on Bonds .................................... (1044) $ Interest on Notes .................................... (I 144) Redemption of Bonds .............................. .. (I 034) Redemption of Notes .............................. (I 134) Total Debt Service ............................................................................ Transfer~o_Capital Fund ";a' ............. Transfer~Reserve Fund ~ Tot~[/Transfers ......... : ........................................................ (1074) Purchase of nvestments ........................................................................................................ Total Payments ................................................................................................ , ........... Balance at End of Year (should agree with page 4) .................................................... (1084) Total Payments and Balance .............................................................................. (1094) Al00 ~A400., A602 A603 A610 A628 A629 A630 A633 A636 A638 A200 A680 A68 I A690 A691 A80 I A802 (1014) (I 024) NOTE: Numbers in parenthesis are for Department of Audit and Control use only. CAPITAL4 FUND RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE H51~ Interest and Earnings on Deposits and Investments .................................................. (0072) H60 Bpn~s~.~;. ............................................................. . ........................................................ (0082) H61 PremiUm and Accrued Interest on Bonds .................................................................. (0182) H62 Capital Notes ................................... ; ...... ...~ ............................................................... (0092) H63 Bond Anticipation Notes ............................................................................................ (0192) H82 Transfer from General Fund ...................................................................................... (0122) Other (specify) Total Receipts .................................................................................................. Balance at Beginning of Year .................................................................................... (0132) Total Receipts and Balance ";'"""c"'; ............................................................ (0142) PAYMENTS AND ENDING BALANCE H200 ~quip~en, ................................................................................................................ (1025) $ RS00 Real Property .......................................................................................................... (I 125) H681 Interest on Bond Anticipation Notes ...................................................................... (I 145) H693 Redemption of Bond Anticipat'ion Notes .................................................................. (I 135) H810 Transfer toGeneral Fund ........................................................................................(1075) Other (specify) ( ) Total Payments ~ ~.:.... }~..~.. ~.~. ~.;;~... ~...~.. }. ~.~;..~.~.~.~ ..... ~;~..~... Balance at End of Year ~ nou g ' P ~ ~'~ ..... t* ............ ~'$"~'~"~'" (1085) To~al Payments and Balance .......................................................................... (1095) RE~_.,EIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE MSt Interest, Earnings on Deposits and Investments ...... (0073) M53' S~le of Assets .......................................................... (0173) M82 Transfer from General Fund .................................... (0123) M83 Transfer from Reserve Fund .................................... (0223) Other (specify) · . ( ) Total Receipts .............................................. Balance at Beginning of Year ................................... (0133) Total Receipts and Balance .......................... (0143) PAYMENTS AND ENDING BALANCE M200 Equipment ..............................................................(1026) MS00 Real Property ......................................................... (I 126) M802 Transfer to Reserve Fund ...................................... (I 176) M810 Transfer to General Fund (1076) Other (specify) .. ( ) Total Payments ' Balance at End of Year (should agree with page 4) .. (1086) Total Payments and Balance .......................... (1096) Insert Title of Reserve $ $ $ $ $ TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS RECEIPTS New York State Income Taxes .......................................... T2 Federal Income Taxes ...................................................... T3 Social Security Taxes ...................................................... T4 Foreign Fire Insurance Taxes .......................................... T5 Group Insurance Deductions .............................................. T6 Other (specify) Total Receipts ........................................................ Balance at Beginning of Year .......................................... 'Total .Receipts and Balance .................................. PAYMENTS $. $ Total Payments ..................................................................................................................... $. Balance at End of Year (should agree with page 4) ........................................................................ Total Payments and Balance ................................................................................................. $- RECONCILIATION OF CASH AND BANK BALANCES at, End of Year: General Fund (should agree with page 2~J..~.~../,,...~...E~.:.E/.'..~...~...O...~....~..~.~ ............. Capital Fund (should agree with page 3)~ ................... Reserve Fund (should agree with page 3) ~.~J~A.~..~.~~.~.~.~.~.~¢¢, I '~;~ Trust and Agency Fund (should agree with page 3) ................................................................. Total - All Funds ............................................................................................................ $ Bank BalanceS at End of Year: Name and Location of Bank "- Totals .................................... ! Bank Balance Outstanding Checks Net Bank Balance Petty Cash ............................................................................................................................ Cash on Hancl (dote deposited ) .................................................. ¥/, Total Bank Balances and Cash on Hand ........................................................................ $ INVESTMENTS HELD AT DECEMBER 31, 196 Fund Description of Investment Purchase Price COMPUTATION OF REAL PROPERTY TAXES Assessed Valuation Tax Rate Amount of Tax Town of Fire District per $1,000 (Assessed Valuation .~-'%~... ~_"=r' ~ ~ L _ -~ within Town of Assessed Valuation multiplied by Tax Rote) District Total !$ $ $ Audit and Control Use Only - Total Assessed Valuation ............................................. (2100) $ NOTE: Total amount of tax shown in last column should agree with the real property taxes shown at top of page DETAILED STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Bond s Year Outstand lng Issued Redeemed Outstand lng (Show each issue seporntely by of Interest Beginning During During End Title and Purpose) Issue Rate of Year Year Year of Year '~ ./~/.~"~_.... $ $ $ $ Total Bonds XXXX XXX $ $ $ $- Audit and Control Use Only - Total Bonds as of December 3 t ..................................... (2200) $ Notes Tax or Revenue Anticipation XXXX XXX $ $ $ $ Budget ,~ ~,~ XXXX XXX Capital / ~-,'~-l,q..,.ar~.~ XXXX XXX Bond Anticipation XXXX XXX Total Notes XXXX XXX $ $ $ $ Audit and Control Use Only - Total Notes as of December 31 .................................... (2300) $ RECEIVABLES Amount Due District at End of Year CLAIMS PAYABLE Amount of Unpaid Claims of District at End of Year