HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/07/1968~iNUTES OF ~i!~ETING OF CO,',~ISSIONEES OF THE,
Dec. 7, 1968. Pres nt:Commissioners ,,nrig.Tuthill,Miska, ~hudiak, and
Boughton, and l~r®as. Gilds rsleve. ~
~eeting ',vas held at the firehouse,'called to order by Chair-
ma~ ~.nr:Ig at 7 P.:'~'~.
~,iinutes of the November m. sting w, re read ~,nd a~) roved.
Th~ secretary reported on the election of Dec.3,1968.
~rwin A.T~thuE1 was elected commissioner for fiwe years. 80 Votes cast,
$? for Mr.Tuthill,5 Blank, Herbe~y N.Bo,mghton was elected commissioner
for two years. 8C votes cast; B? for ~ir.Boughton. 5 Bl~mk.
It was moved,seconded and carried~tkmt the date for t~e
annual organization meeting for January 1939,be set for Thur~day,J~n.
2,1969 at 7 P ~'
The following bills ~ere ordered paid,on motion made,
seconded and carried that the following Resolutionbe adopted; Resolved,
thzt the follo~lngl;bills be pai~ Firemen~s ~ssn.,State of ~.Y. $30.00;
Jos.J.~retger Z798,00; N.¥.Tel.Co. 26.75; Young Fire Eq~ip.0o. 94.45 &
1~;4.52; August ~olfes ~1.04; Jos.Moisa 46.50; Waiter Dohm 30.00 &
L.I.Llght[ng Co. 73.49! '$~yville ~port ~hop 67~¢~ this ~ payment
to be held in escrow by Commissioner ~i~ka ~nd delivered after merchand-
ise has been received·
:~motion was made,seconded andc~a"~led that Alfred,J.
Gros'senbacher, Jr,~' Peter ~'gUl Endres,Oerard Goeh~Inger,Jr., and Victor
S.Rutkoski,be ~?prove~ as active members of the Mattituck Fire Depart-
Mo~ion was made,seconded ~nd carried that Arthur F~nning
be appointed Fire District Treasurer for one year to fill out the unex-
pired term of Do::ald R.Gtldersleove.
'~otion was made, second~:~d and carried that a public
address'system be purchased for use at the fire~ouse. The chairman
appointed Commissioners ~isk~ ~nd Bou~ohton to select same ~nd make
the purchase.